There are at least two artists who perform under the name "Achille Lauro":<… Read Full Bio ↴There are at least two artists who perform under the name "Achille Lauro":
1. Achille Lauro (stage name of Lauro De Marinis, born in Verona in 1990) is an all-round Italian artist. Since 2012 he has released numerous works, going through different music genres and experimenting new ones, such as Samba Trap and jazz. In 2019 and 2020 he participated at the Sanremo Festival, respectively with the songs Rolls Royce and Me ne frego. In 2022 he won Una Voce per San Marino and represented San Marino in Eurovision Song Contest 2022 with the song Stripper.
2. Achille Lauro was a band from Denver, Colorado, USA. The band members are: Matt Close (vocals and guitar), brothers Luke and Ben Mossman (guitar, glockenspiel, keys and drums and samples, respectively) and Jon Evans (bass). They've released one EP: you're Going to Live (and Other Nice Things to Hear) and three albums: Achille Lauro (2008), Indiscretions (2010), Flight or Flight (2012). Their sound is a mixture of jazz, lounge and indie.
1. Achille Lauro (stage name of Lauro De Marinis, born in Verona in 1990) is an all-round Italian artist. Since 2012 he has released numerous works, going through different music genres and experimenting new ones, such as Samba Trap and jazz. In 2019 and 2020 he participated at the Sanremo Festival, respectively with the songs Rolls Royce and Me ne frego. In 2022 he won Una Voce per San Marino and represented San Marino in Eurovision Song Contest 2022 with the song Stripper.
2. Achille Lauro was a band from Denver, Colorado, USA. The band members are: Matt Close (vocals and guitar), brothers Luke and Ben Mossman (guitar, glockenspiel, keys and drums and samples, respectively) and Jon Evans (bass). They've released one EP: you're Going to Live (and Other Nice Things to Hear) and three albums: Achille Lauro (2008), Indiscretions (2010), Flight or Flight (2012). Their sound is a mixture of jazz, lounge and indie.
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