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Miłość, muzyka, mordobicie
Big Cyc Lyrics

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on Atakują Klony

In Atakują Klony, Big Cyc talks, in a comical manner, about the lust for power of 2 biological twins who run one of the Polish political parties (Kaczyńscy brothers from law and justice party). At the beginning of the song its said one of them, in reality, wasn't a brother but a clone from the start. Stealing of a moon is a reference to when both brothers were kids and played roles in a movie titled 'O dwóch takich, co ukradli Księżyc' ('About two guys wo stole the moon').

A second verse describes a dystopian future where cloning has taken over the world and everyone is a clone of the initial 'brother' so there's only one mind controlling the flow of life now. Only one left in the opposition to them is Tusk (a leader of the opposing party).

The chorus talks about how the clones are attacking and will multiply until they take over the world. The speaker talks about how everyone will be forced to think like him and his "twin" and that this will result in the end of hunger, terrorism, wars, and evil. The song shows the dark side human lust for power (in this case prominently exhibited by Kaczyński brothers) and how it could lead to a world where individuality is lost, had only cloning capabilities were in their hands.

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