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The Reminder
Feist Lyrics
1234 One, two, three, four Tell me that you love me more Sleeples…
Brandy Alexander Though I'd like to be the girl for him And cross…
Honey Honey Honey, honey up in the trees Fields of flowers deep…
How My Heart Behaves What grew What grew What grew and inside who First so simple…
I Feel It All I feel it all, I feel it all I feel it…
Intuition What gives, what helps the intuition? I know I'll know I won…
My Moon My Man My moon, my man, so changeable and Such a lovable lamb…
Past in Present The scarlet letter isn't black Gotta know who's got your bac…
Sealion (Sea lion, sea lion) (Sea lion, sea lion) (Sea lion, sea lio…
So Sorry I'm sorry Two words I always think After you've gone When I …
The Limit to Your Love Clouds part Just to give us a little sun There's a limit…
The Park Why would he come back through the park? You thought that…
The Water The telegraph cables hum And few can decipher who the messag…