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Dear April (Side A - Acoustic)
Frank Ocean Lyrics

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on Super Rich Kids

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on Pink + White



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on Pink + White

Introductory line, no real meaning behind it.

Every day is unpredictable, and we have no control over it.

No matter how hard we try, the future is always uncertain and out of our control.

The environment is always changing, and we can only adapt to the changes.

No matter the circumstances, life will always be what it is.

Our experiences in life shape us and influence how we react to certain situations.

Stay alert, be aware of your surroundings, and face your adversity head-on.

Life can be slow and monotonous, but it's important to keep moving forward.

Sometimes we wish things were different, but we have to work with what we have.

Change is constant and inevitable, and we must adapt accordingly.

We are confined to our natural surroundings and must find ways to thrive within them.

I will be there for you and remain reliable through thick and thin.

Stay calm and composed when things are going well.

I will not abandon you when things fall apart.

I learned how to remain dependable and support others from your example.

My upbringing and past taught me how to love and connect with others.

There is a power or higher force that we cannot control but can find solace in.

I have respect and admiration for the person who has influenced me so deeply.

Things will become easier once we've overcome certain obstacles.

In the aftermath of a disaster or tragedy.

Referring to the black community and the beauty of darker skin tones.

Going underwater.

Represents makeshift arrangements that still offer a sense of stability.

Taking risks and enjoying life, despite the danger.

The inspiration and influence of those older and more experienced than us.

An allusion to reincarnation, a second chance starting over.

Coming back to the surface after experiencing hardship.

Showing gratitude for the world that has allowed us to survive and thrive.

Being thankful for everything that we have and acknowledging our place in the universe.

Our environment and experiences offer an opportunity to learn and grow in order to survive.

We must persevere even when things get tough.

Reflecting on our lives and past experiences.

Referring to the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood.

Giving a shout-out to friends or individuals who have impacted their life.

Acknowledging people they love or admire.

Showing appreciation for the promise of eternal life or a legacy that will live on after death.

Preparing to take action, possibly to run or escape.

Trying to escape the pain and hardship of life through various vices or addictions.

Engaging in reckless behavior or coping through unhealthy means.

Looking for comfort or pleasure in the face of adversity.

Jokingly considering the benefits of eternal life or a lasting legacy.

Accepting that life, with all its joys and hardships, is finite and will eventually end.

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