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Anybody Can Go
Pavement Lyrics

Ann Don't Cry The damage has been done, I am not having fun…
Carrot Rope I want to say: It's…
Cream of Gold So much for destiny, A pin prick on my knee, The frost…
Cut Your Hair (Stop it) (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-…
Father to a Sister of Thought Rotten device, I'll say it twice I'm too much, I'm too…
Here I always dressed for success But success it never comes And …
Range Life After the glow, the scene, the stage The sad talk becomes…
Shady Lane Blind date with the chancer We had oysters and dry lancers A…
Stereo Pigs, they tend to wiggle when they walk The infrastructure …
Summer Babe Ice, baby I saw your girlfriend and she was Eating her finge…
The Hexx Capistrano swallow, answer to your inner voice And please re…
Trigger Cut Lies and betrayals Fruit-covered nails Electricity and lust …
You Are a Light Tangled in the midst of all the trust The way you…

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