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Bona Makes You Sweat - Live
Richard Bona Lyrics

Kalabancoro Kababeke Kababeke ×5 Nonke lete souska souska dick dick w nw…
Kivu & Suninga Na kati mindongo na kata weya ewo beba na buma mabembe ngeda…
O Sen Sen Sen Esè bobé bato béno nin wèngè Ni mbalè nku, ya nongo…
Samaouma S'ebolo wala nde minyenga S'ebolo papa Ino wala nde minyeng…
Te Dikalo Backstreet Boys Miscellaneous Nunca Te Hare Llorar (I'll N…

George Nyavor

on Dunia E

omg!!! I have been looking for the meaning of this masterpiece that hits my spirits so hard and yet so comforting. Thanks Nathaniel for what you are doing. i am a Ghanaian and since I discovered Richard Bona, he assumed some sort of revered status in my mind. The guy is good and talented! Thanks so much for bringing the meaning of Suninga too. I wish I can pay you cos at some I linked up with a few friends from Cameroon. They didn't help much since they said the language of the song is not what they speak. I am grateful for this.

Nguebeh Collyn

on Souleymane

Mulema is a name

Yeikete is another name and means something unknown or undefined

They talk about us but we don't know what they're saying

It's a secret language that they're using

They talk about us but we can feel the energy of the gossip

We are not part of their discussion

There is a lot of drama and intrigue surrounding us

We try to stay grounded and not let their gossip affect us

We are caught in the middle of something we don't fully understand

We are not part of their conversation

We are surrounded by people who talk about us, and it makes us feel uncomfortable

We feel small and insignificant in the face of their gossip

Their gossip is like a snake that creeps up on us from behind

We feel helpless and vulnerable to their criticism

Mulema is still a part of this gossip

Yeikete is still here too

They are still talking about us

Their secret language still leaves us in the dark

We are still trying to absorb their negative energy

We still don't really know what they're saying

The drama and intrigue still surround us

We are still trying to stay grounded

We are still in the middle of something that is confusing and uncomfortable

Their conversation is about to come to an end

There is an interruption in their conversation

Someone is trying to change the subject or end the conversation

A car comes to a screeching halt nearby

The conversation comes to a complete stop

Someone interrupts to ask who we are

Our name is Souleymane, and we introduce ourselves

We repeat our name to make sure they understand

We are still part of this discussion but now we're taking control of the conversation

We are no longer in the dark about what they're talking about

We repeat our name with confidence

We are proud of who we are, even though others might not understand us

We are the ones who decide what we want to say

Our words are like flames that cannot be extinguished

We speak with authority and power

Our words echo like the beating of a drum

We are still part of this conversation, but now we are leading it

We know what they're saying, and we're not afraid

We are using our words to bring people together

Our words are a call to action

Our words are fierce and powerful

We are inspiring others to find their own voice

Our name is Souleymane, and we are taking control of this conversation

We are confident and empowered

We are no longer just part of this conversation, but leading it

We are no longer in the dark about what they're saying

We are unafraid and proud of who we are

We are taking control and making our voices heard

We are leading this conversation with power and authority

We have taken control of this conversation and will not be silenced

We are proud of who we are and will never be silenced

We are unafraid to speak up and make our voices heard

We are the ones who control the conversation now

We are the ones who will be remembered, not those who gossip about us

Our words have power and will inspire others to speak up too


on Invocation

Lyric of Invocation is wrong. The lyric is from other song called "Dina Lam" and is the chorus of that song, from 2'47''. You can see that.

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