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Sounds of Silence
Simon & Garfunkel Lyrics

A Most Peculiar Man He was a most peculiar man That's what Mrs. Reardon says…
April Come She Will April, come she will When streams are ripe and swelled with…
Blessed Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit Blessed is the…
I Am a Rock A winter’s day in a deep and dark December I am…
Kathy's Song I hear the drizzle of the rain Like a memory it…
Leaves That Are Green I was twenty-one years when I wrote this song I'm twenty-two…
Richard Cory They say that Richard Cory Owns one half of this whole…
Somewhere They Can't Find Me I can hear the soft breathing of the girl that…
The Sound of Silence The Sounds Of Silence Performer:Simon & Garfunkel Composer…
We've Got a Groovy Thing Goin' Bad news, bad news! I heard you're packing to leave! I come…

We also have lyrics for these tracks by Simon:

April Come She Will April, come she will When streams are ripe and swelled…
I AM a Rock A winter's day In a deep and dark December I am alone Gazing…
Richard Cory They say that Richard Cory Owns one half of this whole…
THE SOUND OF SILENCE Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you…

We also have lyrics for these tracks by Garfunkel:

A Most Peculiar Man He was a most peculiar man That's what Mrs. Riordan said…
I Am A Rock A winter's day In a deep and dark December I am alone Gazing…
The Sound Of Silence The Sounds Of Silence Performer:Simon & Garfunkel Composer…

Beth Bailey

on The Sounds Of Silence

Aragon Courts 1967

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