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The Carbonfools Lyrics

Call You Who’s that you’re smiling at Who did just find…
Cats I got cats to rule my world And they…
Chocolete Factory You would die for working in my factory You would give…
Closer It may seem that I came here with all the…
Czechoslovakian Disco In my bag of memories I've been searching for a girl Who…
Freckles You hurt me I hurt you Oh don′t you don't you…
Fusion Give me a kiss And I’ll go carzy for…
Give It to Me I'll waste my time on kissing you And I'll just waste…
Killing Time I thought I would be able Just to stand…
Krapulax An animal A weirdo The freak of your…
Lonesome Town What kind of love, what kind of love What you've just…
Peter Try to reach you Teach you from the other…
Roses And Bricks Wish you were here And you wish I was there, Sometimes I…
Teardrops Dr. white socks in black shoes He’s the one…

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