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Cheek to Cheek
Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga Lyrics

Anything Goes In olden days a glimpse of stocking Was looked on as…
But Beautiful Love is funny, or it's sad Or it's quiet, or it's…
Cheek to Cheek Heaven, I'm in heaven And my heart beats so that I…
Firefly I call her Firefly 'Cause, oh, my She radiates moon glow Wan…
I Can't Give You Anything But Love I can't give you anything but love, baby That's the only…
I Won't Dance I won't dance, don't ask me I won't dance, don't ask…
Let's Face the Music and Dance There may be trouble ahead, But while there's moonlight and …
Lush Life I used to visit all the very gay places Those come…
Nature Boy There was a boy A very strange enchanted boy They say he…
Sophisticated Lady They say into your early life romance came And in this…

We also have lyrics for these tracks by Tony Bennett:

Anything Goes In olden days a glimpse of stocking Was looked on as…
But Beautiful Love is funny, or it's sad Or it's quiet, or it's…
Cheek to Cheek Heaven, I'm in heaven And my heart beats so that I…
Firefly I call her Firerefly 'Cause, oh, my She radiates moon glow W…
I Can't Give You Anything But Love I can't give you anything but love, baby That's the only…
I Won't Dance I won't dance, don't ask me I won't dance, don't ask…
Let'S Face The Music And Dance There may be trouble ahead But while there's moonlight and m…
Lush Life I used to visit all the very gay places Those come…
Nature Boy There was a boy A very strange enchanted boy They say he…
Sophisticated Lady They say into your early life romance came And in this…

We also have lyrics for these tracks by Lady Gaga:

Lush Life I used to visit all the very gay places Those come…

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