Nan Quan Mama (traditional Mandarin: 南拳媽媽; pinyin: Nán Quán Māmā) is a Taiw… Read Full Bio ↴Nan Quan Mama (traditional Mandarin: 南拳媽媽; pinyin: Nán Quán Māmā) is a Taiwanese music group. "Nan" means south, "quan" can be translated to fist, and "mama" is mother. It loosely means "southfist mother" which is a phrase in Mandarin to explain having strength but at the same time, being gentle like a mother. The group is closely tied with the popular music artist Jay Chou as Jay Chou is their mentor.
The members were Lara Veronin (vocalist), Devon (Drummer, DJ, MC), Yuhao-Zhan (Pianist, MC) and Chase (Zhang Jie) (Guitarist, singer). Each of the members contribute to composing their songs, and also sing together in most of their songs, although some of their songs are composed and sung solely by one of the members.
Lara Veronin's singing talent was discovered by Jay Chou, and she is also featured in his song, Coral Sea. She is a Russian-Taiwanese-American who graduated from Taipei American School in Taiwan.
Since the release of "The Bahamas Duel" Nan Quan Mama is a duo, consisting of Devon and Yuhao Zhan.
The members were Lara Veronin (vocalist), Devon (Drummer, DJ, MC), Yuhao-Zhan (Pianist, MC) and Chase (Zhang Jie) (Guitarist, singer). Each of the members contribute to composing their songs, and also sing together in most of their songs, although some of their songs are composed and sung solely by one of the members.
Lara Veronin's singing talent was discovered by Jay Chou, and she is also featured in his song, Coral Sea. She is a Russian-Taiwanese-American who graduated from Taipei American School in Taiwan.
Since the release of "The Bahamas Duel" Nan Quan Mama is a duo, consisting of Devon and Yuhao Zhan.
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南拳媽媽 Lyrics
Tonight 作詞:梁心頤(Lara) 作曲:楊瑞代(蓋瑞) (Lara) 走了又是幾條路 我們讀了又是幾本書 它們沒…
What Can I Do 作詞:梁心頤(Lara) 作曲:楊瑞代(蓋瑞) 沒魚的海 會很空白 沒冰紅茶 夏天不要來 我的世界因為有了你 …
下雨天 作詞:LARA 作曲:張傑 下雨天了怎麼辦 我好想你 我不敢打給你 我找不到原因 為什麼失眠的聲音 變得好熟…
不該結束 Ya~ ah~ (彈頭) 窗外的雨停了 天空還是灰的 因為愛情也停止了 回憶在播放著 在笑容裡停格 畫面會永遠留著 給…
小時候 作詞:巨砲 作曲:巨砲 巨砲: 小時後常常望著窗外的天空 幻想長大以後 能實現從前做過的美夢 長大後發…
悄悄告訴她 *麦穗金黄了午风 湖泊蓝色了天空 白墙 诗意了巷弄 咖啡爪哇了经过 田园浪漫了餐桌 而她 着急了等候 在乔治亚最宁静的现…
我們 宇豪: 風吹 風聲輕脆 風鈴在搖晃月 終於了解 愛上誰 感覺一直來回 Lara: 夜裡的水滴很冰 滴答落下很輕 輕敲愛…
橘子汽水 我站在教室門口的小角落 偷偷看著你可愛的笑容 你就像天上的雲朵我好想變成彩虹 橘子汽水的香味飄在空氣中 你嘴角的奶油看…
水晶蜻蜓 水晶蜻蜓 南拳妈妈 往飞机窗户外 睁开眼睛 感觉一片灰 仔细看有房子 房子里的人 忙着努力跟随 一个找不到…
消失 作詞:宋健彰(彈頭) 作詞:宋健彰(彈頭) 作曲:詹宇豪(宇豪) 作曲:詹宇豪 那夜在熟悉的地點 我漸漸看著…
牡丹江 作詞:方文山 作曲:蓋瑞 南拳媽媽二號餐-牡丹江 彈頭:彎成一彎的橋樑 倒映在這湖面上 妳從那頭瞧這看 月光…
瓦解 瓦解 宇豪: 說著笑著的午後 鐘聲一直在停留 風聲靜靜躺著在誘惑 我一個人在角落 沒有你陪伴的我 連寂寞都笑我太墮落 彈…
破曉 作詞:宋健彰(彈頭) 作曲:詹宇豪(宇豪) 旭日擊退黑夜破浪而出沒光芒如弓支支劃破沉默的天穹 而你靜靜挽著我抑…
香草把噗 作詞:彈頭 作曲:宇豪 昨晚下過雨後 操場的濕氣很重 籃球上的水滴也沒有乾過 雨水流過的泥土 味道很濃厚 …