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5 Star Grave Lyrics

Ain't That Saint She's ridin' fast on the miracle lane 5 inches heels and…
Back To The Morgue Shadows they have grown 'Till the point of no return…
Backstabber In the core of this sad downtown now the light…
Boy A Game This is just a game Toy You're just a toy A dream…
Core Dead Flickering chains of doleful regret The edge of supremacy p…
Crown Of Worms Slaughterin' emotions You're just one of a kind Infectin' …
Cut You Out The way you smile is killing me for one last…
If Action! Cherish vain hopes the end of all your dreams Pr…
In Bed With The Dead It seems we've finally reached the place where we were…
Miracle Man I am the restless guilt the comatose spectre gazing through…
No Devil liveD oN No devil lived on A man, a plan, an ET Red now…
Pet Sematary Under the arc of a weather stain boards, Ancient goblins, a…
Slightly Slutty Behaviour Twenty years-old and a very sly look All written before in…

Terminal Bedroom Strolling she comes closer Smelling of burning leaves and b…
Triple-X Ride Walk in the streets Move like a bitch Wait for the bus Wa…
Violands From metropolis to frozen lands we created the violands Blo…

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