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Aesop Rock & Del The Funky Homosapien Lyrics

Preservation (Intro: Aesop Rock) Yeah... riff raff... Uh, Weathermen, Hie…

We have lyrics for these tracks by Aesop Rock:

1 to 10 Bad back, bad back, bad back One half zig while the…
1000 Deaths Verse One: I saw the rod-eye cross and murder circle above…
10_-_coordinates [Les Miserables sample] STUDENT ONE Platoon of sappers ad…
11:35 Some cats grow by the laws of the wild Some learn…
39 Thieves Hunters with their dogs and deer rifles Thousands of them li…
6B Panorama I was sitting on my fire escape and I saw Sturdy…
89.9FM Nighttrain Promo (whats up this is Aesop Rock for wkcr, check it) I…
9 to 5'ers anthem [Aesop Rock] Zoom in to the fuming of an aggravated breed Vi…
Abandon All Hope Aesop Rock (Aesop Rock)... (x16) Is a love such as that…
Ace Rocks WHO THE FUCK IS ACE ROCK (echos out) automatic grip deck …

Alchemy I spit with an immense amount of power Skull flame showers,…
Alchemy (feat. Blueprint) [Blueprint] I spit with an immense amount of power Skull fla…
Alchemy feat. Blueprint I spit with an immense amount of power Skull flame showers,…
all city nerve map There's nothin' you or anyone can do, this is my…
All Day: Nike Original Run Boy in the box, the fever is all day Boy in…
All Day: Nike+ Original Run Boy in the box, the fever is all day, boy…
All in all He's a Maniac maniac All in all in all in all…
Antisocial [looped sample] It's like antisocial hazardous portion orga…
Appleseed APPLESEED (one, two) yeah. yeah- i recall the first time i…
Appleseed Intro APPLESEED (one, two) yeah. yeah- i recall the first time …
Attaboy Hi everybody, hope you're doing well Today I want to talk…
Attention Span Every little step we take breaks the dreams Of a warm…
Attention Span (feat. Vast Aire) [Aesop Rock] 3x Every little step we take breaks the dreams …
Babies With Guns Radio check check Video check check This is how the city-fol…
Bad Karma These wings... Have seen things most men would melt apart f…
Basic Cable Television, all hail grand pixelated god of Fantasy, murder …
Battery Yo, change the fuckin' channel I burn a coma candle When the…
Bazooka Tooth That jackhammer is so real Diamond covered spine Armadillo …
Bent Life [Aesop Rock] Yo I take 10 steps with a bed lamped vision Stu…
bentlife [Aesop Rock] Yo I take 10 steps with a bed lamped vision …
Big Bang Well, so we meet again (He said he's grown spiritually since…
Blacklist Keep in mind this flow is used for practice. Even so…
Blood Sandwich Yep Steps up to the plate Little brother, little league Eigh…
Blue in the Face Yo, I surf an axiom kicked in a center fold…
Boombox Raw, I'm going to give it to you With no trivia Raw…
Boot Soup You can't eject the new soy bomb Boiled tongue that hop…
Bracket Basher Hey yo must not sleep I bash the bracket open and…
Bring Back Pluto (Aesop Rock) And then there were eight (then there were eigh…
Button Masher Mash the buttons, knock knock, never yield Phobias in motion…
By the River I like rivers, I like rivers Sailboats, fisherman, skinny-di…
Catacomb Kids I was a dark, dumb student No hooky rookie day trippin'…
Citronella I stood before the glittery borders of new radius in…
Coffee [Chorus] We don't need no walkie-talkies, nope no walkie tal…
Coma We now present to you, music Music to make you stutter I've…
Commencement at the Obedience Academy Verse One: The harvest appeared less plentiful than last se…
Cook It Up Cook it up Spooky Salute Look Zoop, well hook it up Shoop th…
Cook It Up feat. P.F.A.C Cook it up Spooky Salute Look Zoop, well hook it up Sho…
Coordinates Platoon of sappers advancing toward the barricade! Troops be…
Coveralls Ayy I could give a fuck if there's mold on my…
Coward Of The Year (the Controls) Does it feel, you're the coward of the year?…
Crooked Shh the baby is sleeping A blind date with CNN a…
Crystal Sword Carry his own water as nary a known other Read a…
D-Up (Now hear this) it's big Aesop Rock (Now hear this) Metropo…
Dark Heart News Chorus: We don't need no walkie-talkies, nope no walkie talk…
Daylight Yoput one up shackle me, not clean logic procreation I did…
Dead Pan This be the dawning of the age of dead water Stitchin…
Defender Alex up the street called, said he saw a bobcat Keep…
Dog at the Door Huh? Who's there? Dog at the front door barking at the…
Dokken Rules One one one one one One two and freeze, don't nobody…
Dorks Question, if I died in my apartment like a rat…
Dragon Coaster A swamped rat in the Labyrinth huntin' derriere Skeletal ves…
Drawbridge [Aesop Rock and Dose One] This is not your ordinary ballad W…
Drums On The Wheel Calling Gamma Ray This is Major Cigar Do you read me Gamma…
Dryspell On a sunny afternoon in lower east side New York... You…
Easy (Thank you) Cameras or guns one of ya'll is gonna shoot…
Encounter (Yo Blueprint Let's put it on these cats check it) Zig-zag Z…
Facemelter blaze with a face melter, go fish, pigeon itchin for a…
Fascination Shooken to Casper. Illustrate beautiful disaster. Flight of …
Fast Cars Checkmate sucka, not a move, game's over! Who's that walkin…
Fishtales Once upon a time in the days of yore When the people…
Five Fingers Take take, the medicine tastes great Got the key to the…
Fixed and Dilated House of cards and bent bars, hold up Body parts that…
Flashflood "We'll have more news after this commercial word" (As so it…
Flies Flies buzz around the sink Lunch on crumbs, fuck y'all think…
Float This fallen angel could stitch a wing with a shoestring The…
Food Clothes Medicine (Food clothes medicine) Heh, so y'all know it's nearly a hu…
Freeze It goes welcome the pop off, some pop soft. We…
Freeze / Honeycomb It goes welcome the pop off, some pop soft We bang…
Frijoles Yeah Yeah nasa lets try this Ah Park your bets Sharks or je…
Fumes You ain't shit man Your story's a joke You should package it…
Garbage Wing of wax? Or wing of gold leaf? Choose one Float…
Gauze Some of you know me already Those of you who don't You're…
Get Out of the Car I see how y'all be trying to front, man y'all…
Getaway Car Cage Yo, I?ll send this to alla my corporate corpses Trying …
Grace [NOTE: These are the official lyrics, straight from the lyri…
Gun For The Whole Family [Aesop Rock] Before shooting troops was cooler than hula ho…
Happy Pillz Murs, you should go get us some food alright This'll be…
Hello From the Spirit World Hello from the Spirit World My days here have been as Reward…
Hold the Cup Verse One: And the saints go marching in Serpentine regi…
Holy Smokes Well they were selfish with the helmets on the little…
Holy Waterfall I'm a glutton where the food Still shimmy and shake Not a…
Home Again I'm in a red zone, That's my miracle meridian, Boundaries l…
Hot Dogs (We're so excited We don't know what to do because we're Abo…
How to Be a Carpenter So you want to be a carpenter, do you? Well it…
I Scum of the earthly I plug into the 1+1=13 Summer of love,…
I'll Be OK Burn it down Pad the circles 'round your life To capture all…
I'll Be OK (feat. Slug) [Slug] Burn it down... Pad the circles 'round your life To …
infinity fill goose down The brand reads Animal Farm A fugee on the lam, runnin'…
Jazz Hands Love note to the whole fuck show Postmarked from a lighthous…
Jumping Coffin (What-what, what's that?) I'm-I'm-I'm-I'm a slow burn, craw…
Junkyard Same hand that snuggled the barbed wire Tug an orphan assor…
Keep Off The Lawn (Good Evening) (Happy to be Breathing) (I am Alive) (Yeah) (…
Kill Switch This is Minister Metal Foot, treat a pedal like an…
Kill The Messenger Hey stupid, you're listening to Bazooka tooth, dental cannon…
Kirby Hey Kirby Whatcha doing Kirby Whatcha doing there Hobgoblin…
Know That To Know This Was in the throes of Rome with goat's legs Clip clip…
Kodokushi I shouldn't even be here, mum's the word I burn down…
KOWP I could drive a car through a fence Bonnie's sitting shotty,…
Labor "This is labor" {*echoes*} {*sample cut and scratched*} [Ae…
Lazy Eye (Super fresh) My spirit animal comes with a pretzel bun Tro…
Left It to Us I write left shit with my right Spit on the mic…
Limelighter ft. Camp Lo Pain cave uno, smoking a broken blue note. Tar pit…
Limelighters (feat. Camp Lo) AESOP- Pain cave uno, smoking a broken blue note. Tar…
Limelighters / Flunkadelic Pain cave uno smokin' a broken Blue Note Tar pit escape…
Limelighters feat. Camp Lo Pain cave uno, smoking a broken blue note. Tar pit…
Long Legged Larry "With a body length of about twenty centimeters Bull frogs a…
Lotta Years The kid that work down at the local Baskin-Robbins Got a…
Maintenance Count that for me, thanks One, two, one, two, three, four…
Marble Cake Come on Born garbage day Warden of the shawarma plate Fork …
Mars Attacks These lil', lil' fuckin' Martians You gotta love em' though …
Merit All right I can hear the ocean in a shell, but, For…
Miami Advice I was feeling master blasted, lost my id My anti-entity And …
Mindful Solutionism 2.5 million years ago, a friend of mine Made a tool…
Molecules (That's impossible) (Come on) Spoilers, the non bon-voyage…
Molly I was probably on Molly the day you saw me In…
Mystery Fish Tech support, feral army In a cave on a failed bit…
N.Y. Electric New York (indistinct) Stanton Isle, up state, Tri-state Just…
N.Y. Electric / Hunter Interlude New York (indistinct) Stanton Isle, up state, Tri-state Ju…
Next Best Thing You can read along with me in your book You will…
Nickel Plated Pockets [INTRO: Vast Aire & Aesop conversing] Yo, (Alright Ok) Can I…
Night Light Voice: "Day turns Night" x8 [Aesop Rock] Night Light suckas…
No City (for want of a name the shoe was lost) (for want…
No Jumper Cables Burn train buffers My fancy Up jumps the boogie delivering e…
No Regrets Lucy was 7 and wore a head of blue barettes City…
No Splash [Aesop Rock] January, I fell to the cobblestone In April, I …
None Shall Pass Flash that buttery gold Jittery zeitgeist, wither by the wat…
Numb Atop the news this evening this just in! Thanks Bob! Due to…
Numb (to the Guns) (News Reporter) Atop the news this evening *static* This jus…
Number Nine Deliver us from evil. Litter bugged amoedba simmer on the…
NY Electric New York (indistinct) Stanton Isle, up state, Tri-state Just…
Odessa Shhh Dose: Well or, And this is, new york city Ae…
One Brick [Aesop Rock] I start my city with a brick (one brick) Then…
One Brick (feat. Illogic) I start my city with a brick (one brick) Then add…
one brick ft illogic [Aesop Rock] I start my city with a brick (one brick) Then…
One of Four 1 of 4... My name is Ian Mathias Bavitz. I was born…
Oxygen I'm twice born, once and seven something Once is the resurre…
Panorama I was sitting on my fire escape and I saw Sturdy…
Pigs Sharks in the dunk tank, vipers in the garden Locusts stole…
Pizza Alley Keep it classy key to Pizza Alley Weaving traffic in a…
Plastic Soldiers Style messiah, Hot like a volcano with fire The sound of…
Play Dead This is not good Batshit, I'm batshit My ship's crashed, my…
Preservation Yeah riff raff Uh, Weathermen, Hieroglyphics, what up? Ok R…
Prosperity Sulking and bulking a half sulking a laugh crash test figure…
Pumpkin Seeds Outside isn't what it seem It seem like nothing up the…
Put Your Quarters Up "Trapped in a deadly video game "Trapped in a deadly video…
Rabies Hey warm cider, barn full of spiders Orange moon, starry nig…
Racing Stripes There is a bowl cut template mapped with a billy…
Rickety Rackety Aesop Rock Smack dab in the middle of the cuddles and…
Rickety Rackety feat. El-P & Camu Tao Aesop Rock Smack dab in the middle of the cuddles and…
Rings What'cha gotta do, what'cha gotta do, what'cha gotta, what'c…
Ruby '81 July 4th,1981,candles of a Roman ilk Unloaded from a chevy …
Sabbatical With Options "Are you leaving for the country? You say the city brings…
Salt Severe cold, stare at the code Keep a small circle like…
Same Space Killings reflect the destiny of the village So when 20 coun…
Save Yourself (Chill with that ill behavior) - KRS sample Pull the pin…
Shere Kahn (Sample from Sing-A-Song) "You can come, I'll leap right ov…
Shere Khan You can come, I'll leap right over Any day you like System…
Shovel I don't shrug, I study the ramifications of my shovel Lovin'…
Shrunk My first name is a random set of numbers and…
Sick Friend (Intro - Unknown man) Thou mayest indeed Tune onto the for…
Side Quest I like skating to the store at night in Autumn weather…
Sinister (Sample from "Snatch") "Do you know what 'nemesis' means? …
Skip Town [Aesop Rock] On the train Watchin' the rainbows (thank you w…
Sleeper Car Bamboo shoots, Buddhas and removed shoes Pugilism brewing ov…
Smoke If You Got'em If there's hope in your medicine Hope in your medicine hope…
Sniff Glue What up? What's good in the galley? This one for the…
Spare a Match Electric charge comin' from the mainframe I'm from where the…
Super Fluke I skunk the blood up as to numb the public…
Supercell Die already None defy the one-man walled city Stone made fle…
Take Me To The Basement Take me to the basement Let me count the holes in…
Tap Dancin With Scratch Bought the tape i hope you bought the tape I hope…
The Active Element I pilot a lion heart My polar half?s negotiate it (right) Sh…
The Explanation Most days promote the close range The city on my back…
The Four Winds I never don't float with the four winds Sweat cold, piss…
The Gates I was at the gates Ram's legs, my pizza black, my…
The Greatest Pac-Man Victory Ever [Chorus] Get up to get down now Get up to get down…
The Harbor Is Yours [Dead men tell no tales. Up push the daisies till the…
The Library Where better to go with a two-year-old who Gets cabin fever…
The Mayor and the Crook No more pencils no more books I built the city out…
The Next Best Thing You can read along with me in your book You will…
The Substance Four rooms, a ceiling and a floor but there's more (close…
The Tugboat Complex Oh my God They've got angels sweatin' like Helots Workin' th…
The Tugboat Complex Part 3 Aesop Rock - The Tugboat Complex Pt. 3 I could make…
The Yes & The Y'all Jiggy-jabberjaw vitamin idol and primal rages When Bible pa…
The Yes and the Y'all Jiggy-jabberjaw vitamin idol and primal rages When Bible pag…
Tomorrow Morning In the district called the Barbary Coast Nickelodeon showed …
Train Buffer Who stole the uprock, who stole the paint? Who stole the…
Troubled Waters [Verse One] You replicas overlooking the guidelines of acous…
TUFF Dum-diggy, bump Biggie 'Til the landlady holler, get a hairc…
Wake Up Call [Aesop Rock] Wake up, wake up Ayo Percee P, it's time to…
Water It would've been the most Beautiful second-coming of Christ …
Water Tower (Vita es morte es vita Life is death is life) Found nothing…
we I brought that genuine shit in '96 Before you knew the…
We're Famous (feat. El-P) [El-P] I brought that genuine shit in '96 Before you knew th…
We're Famous feat. EL-P I brought that genuine shit in '96 Before you knew the…
Winner Takes All Parachute ratty. One bunk chord, now the air is scooped…
Wise Up [now hear this] (it's big aesop rock) [now hear this] …
Zero or a Zillion Yeah, mother fucker! Kimya Fucking Dawson! What put your fuc…
Zodiaccupuncture Intro: March. The more the merrier. Get a couple of whores…

We have lyrics for these tracks by Del The Funky Homosapien:

30 30 Yo its three thousand thirty, I want yall to meet deltron…
3030 Yo its three thousand thirty I want y'all to meet Deltron…
Ahonetwo Ahonetwo I'm chocolate like a bar but my name is not…
Ahonetwo, Ahonetwo [Chorus:] "Ahonetwo, ahonetwo, I like it...&quo…
BM's Ahh First day off probation, no wastin' time Just like anc…
Burnt Del: Mista, twista, get ya every single time and I rhy…
Burnt (feat. Hieroglyphics) DEL: Mista, twista, get ya every single time when I rhyme li…
Catch a Bad One [Del] People havin' memory loss; they don't remember I'm th…
Catch All This (Chorus) You gotta get a better view outside, get ur third…
Check It Ooout When it's time for me to recline I listen to rhymes…
Cyberpunks "It is the year 2387 Man has relieved an overcrowded E…
Dark Skin Girls As simple as it sounds, is as simple as it…
Del's Nightmare Let me tell you a little story about the slave…
Don't Forget Don't forget ya niggas My rep gets bigger And figgers on m…
Don't Forget the Bass I'm ready for action, packing provisions of visions Verball…
Dont Forget I'm ready for action, packing provisions of visions Verbally…
Dr. Bombay Mistadobalina is a jack-ass, much like a donkey And I'mma p…
Eye Examination I never had real friends 'til now I never had to…
Faulty Man, I knew this nigga from back in the day I…
Future Development "Earth to Del, Earth to Del, Earth to Del do…
Games Begin [ CHORUS ] Come on and let the games begin Cause the…
Hoodz Come in Dozens Thieves in the night, stick you in the alleyways They might…
If You Must It's important to practice good hygiene At least if you wan…
Jaw Gymnastics [Del The Funky Homosapien] Check it out Uhhh Del's back, …
Jaw Gymnastics (feat. Casual) [Del The Funky Homosapien] Check it out Uhhh Del's back, go …
Love Is Worth Okay [Chorus] You got to know what your love is worth Bab…
Lyric Licking (talking) Hi everybody. It's Del the Funky Homosapien, down …
Made in America Made in America, where ya placed on the totem pole I got…
Made in America (SD50 B-boy mix) Made in America, where ya placed on the totem pole I got…
Master Minds Who fuses the music With no illusions Producing the blue p…
Missing Link Hey, I gotta start it MCs be carted, off Ya soft Dinosaur…
Missing Link (feat. Dinosaur Jr.) Hey, I gotta start it MCs be carted, off ya soft Dinosaur Jr…
Mistadobalina Mista Dobalina, Mr. Bob Dobalina Mista Dobalina, Mista Bo…
Money for Sex Let the buyer beware And prepare for the scare of 1991,…
No More Worries [Featuring Hieroglyphics] A Plus: You don't have to worr…
No Need For Alarm [Del] I wait to see your skull vibrate when I bury the…
Offspring (Del) Aiyyo whattup El-P? (El) Yo whattup Del-phonic? (Del…
Pet Peeves Part 1: FWA--Fair Weather Associates: Fair weather associ…
Phoney Phranchise This is real hip hop not no phoney phranchise Winnin' by…
Phoney Phranchise (Domino remix) [Cut:] [Del talking] [Hook:] This is real hip hop not no pho…
Pissin' on Your Steps "Ooh, ooh, pissin' on your steps" It's D-E-L tha Funkee H…
Prelude Funk Gluttius maximus Dreadlocks There are eight billion …
Press Rewind Just don't kick my bread Check my comprehensive catalog of …
Proto Culture Chorus: Let me tell you about the Proto Culture If…
Signature Slogans Verse 1: Del, my main brain function is gang bustin I aim …
Skull & Crossbones (scratched:) I never drink and drive cause I might spil…
Sleepin Get your lazy butt up off my couch It seems nowadays…
Sleepin' on My Couch Get your lazy butt up off my couch It seems nowadays…
Soopa Feen Soopa Feen he used to gleam and glow Before he became…
Stress the World [Chorus] Stress the world Stress the world Stress the world …
The Wacky World Of Rapid Transit Fresh from the meadow with a mellow attitude I was plannin'…
Time Is Too Expensive (CHORUS) "Time is too expensive" Too expensive, it's too e…
Town to Town They say that nice guys finish last, but I'm the…
Wack M.C [Del] You WACK M.C.'s! This a dedication to you WACK M.C.'…
What Is a Booty What is a booty and how will I know if…
Worldwide [Featuring Unicron] Del: Who is the two like the Blues…
Wrong Place I writes rhymes for rehearsal but first chill I gotta litt…
X-Files Star struck MC's receive no attention From the man whose min…
You're in Shambles (Check it out...1st to bat, steppin' up to the plate…

More Versions