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Air Lyrics

02. How Does It Make You Feel I am feeling very warm right now Please don't disappear I am…
03. Radio #1 If you need some fun Some good stereo gum Radio number one…
06. Lucky and Unhappy Do I need? Destiny Do I need? Schedule live Do I need? Venus…
10_Air Golden waves in all directions I could lose my soul right…
6453 6,4,5,3 It's up to you. 6,4,5,3 It's up to you. Freedom. Fre…
8 Modern Punks 死にさらされるほど 思いつめることなど 何もありはしない そんな美学くだらない シニシズムの嵐 毎日が戦場だ Moder…
A Love Song You’ll never guess what I got you for Christmas this…
A New Star in The Sky My baby blue is a new star In the sky The world,…
Afternoon Sister [Jean-Benoît Dunckel/Nicolas Godin] --- Instrumental ---…
All Cats Are Grey I never thought that I would find myself In bed amongst…
All I Need All I need's a little time To get behind this sun…
All I Need (feat. Beth Hirsch) All I need is a little time To get behind this…
All I Need Edit All I need's a little time To get behind this sun…

All I Need#comment-box All I need is a little time To get behind this…
All I Neeed All I need's a little time To get behind the sun…
all-i-need- All I need's a little time To get behind this sun…
Alone in Kyoto (Instrumental)…
Alpa Beta Gaga Yeah, from Chi-town to France Yeah, we gonna do it, uh,…
Another day Say goodbye Sunshine, daylight 'cause its just another day Y…
Arc 果てしなく続くような 高い壁を前にして この震えは 覚悟 証でしょう 誇り高く狭き門を目指し 数多の夢が 敗れて散って…
At Last I Am Free At last I am free I can hardly see in front…
Au fond du rêve doré J'ai envie de me noyer Au fond d'un rêve doré Toute mélangée…
B.K. ใครจะมารักแน่นะ เราจะจ๋าจะจ๊ะ มันง๊ะง๊ะ เงิ่นเงอะ วู้ ใครจะ…
Be a Bee Be a bee Be be be a bee Be a bee Be be…
Biological Thousands of hairs Two eyes only Its you Some skin…
Bird Alessandro Baricco reading an extract from his book "City…
Breeze Light's right, light's shining bright Day turns into night F…
Can't Let Go I saw a car that looked just like yours A silver…
Car Thief Some static started in the pool hall In a motherfucker's…
Casanova 70 [Instrumental]…
Ce amtin la Je vois un enfant qui se traîne Se traîne jusqu'à la…
Ce Matin-La  I woke up this morning baby The blues was pouring out…
Cemetary Party [INSTRUMENTAL]…
Cerry Blossom Girl I don't want to be shy Can't stand it anymore…
Cherry Blossom Girl I don't want to be shy, can't stand it anymore I…
Cherry Blossom Girl (Hope Sand I don't want to be shy Can't stand it anymore I just…
Cherry Blossom Girl Fanny I don't want to be shy, can't stand it anymore I…
Cherry lossom girl I don't want to be shy Can't stand it anymore…
Clouds Up [Instrumental]…
Cosmic Trip Welcome to the astronomical club The rocket shell is now rea…
Crazy You You have got a strange way about ya, kinda' crazy But…
Crickets Yo, listen close, can you hear the sound? A cricket's cry…
Dark Messages [Instrumental]…
Daybreak Daybreak, I can't hide the truth It seems I'm not so…
Dead Bodies [instrumental]…
Deadweight On a highway unpaved going my way You're so alone today Like…
Die Hard すれっからしの螺旋階段 登りきる前に飛び降りてみろ この皮膚感覚の空気が今 全てをつつんで輝いている 確かに今 この場所…
Dirty Trip [Instrumental]…
Dive & Dive 遥かな未来へDIVE&DIVE ため息交じりのFROM NOW ON 歌詩にも出来ないFASHION PUNKS 歌詩に…
Do Tell Don't you tell me what to do When you know where…
Do the Joy The world is on the brink The brink of our extinction The…
Dog Run さあ今日はご機嫌いかが? どんな夢を見てたの? 登る朝日のような まなざしが降りそそぐ さあ駆けまわり いま弾けるリズ…
Don Don't be light Don't be light Don't be light Maybe like m…
Don't Abuse Me Right now. Let me go. You can do anything if you really…
Don't be kight Don't be light Don't be light Don't be light Maybe like m…
Don't Be Light Don't be light Don't be light Don't be light Maybe like me …
Don't Be Light (edit) Don't be light... Don't Be Light Don't be light Maybe like …
Don't be light (Neptune Remix Don't be light Don't be light Don't be light Maybe like m…
Don't Be Light (The Hacker remix) Don't be light... Don't Be Light Don't be light Maybe like …
Don't Be Light feat. Pharrell Don't be light Don't be light Don't be light Maybe like me …
Doubt we don't close the door why bother anymore I know…
Easy Going Woman Don't let the routine kill our life Do you still…
Electric Music & The Summer People Out on the highway, I'm doing it my way Zig-zag patients,…
Electronic Performers We are the syncronizers Send messages through time code Midi…
emission I'm AIR. You enjoy? このまま真っすぐぶっぱなしてく たまにはがっつり はき出しちまえ 最大限 せーの…
En Melody Melody voulut revoir le ciel de Sunderland Elle prit le 707…
Everything or Everyone and Everything or Peace 今にきっとわかる日が来る 今日がきっかけの日であると 色褪せた FRONTIER SPIRIT NO MEDICINE …
Everything or Everyone and Everything or Peace 2001 今にきっとわかる日が来る 今日がきっかけの日であると 色褪せたFrontier spirit. No medicine …
Full Moon It's a full moon tonight I ain't even let my hoes…
Funk Core 目を覚ます 堂々 とびきりはじけるように はじき出す音と 共に飛び出すエナジー さあ始まる今日も 2度と帰ることはない …
Gentle on My Mind I'm standin' here, lookin' over this city skyline I can't he…
Ghosts Once upon a time I stumbled on a master plan Better than…
Good To See You Sie schreibt nicht back Ich hab keine Zeit für sie (Aufjeden…
Greetings from K あれからどれくらいたったろう 遠い昔の事のような まるで昨日の事のような ひとつひとつが美しい How's everyo…
Hallelujah#comment-box She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak I've…
Happy Birthday To Shining Star When I want to go to it When I want to…
Heaven's Light On the way to the heaven's light Where the time doesn't…
Hello Я ночь пустое метро Я ветер обрывки газет Ты думаешь я буду…
Hold Your Hand 遠くでぼんやりゆらめく はっきりとは見えない向こう 行方のない日々にもうんざり Find a way out 全てが同じ…
Home (I just wanna stay home-) I just wanna stay home I want…
Hot I don't want no top bunch Love how your lips go Whisperin'…
How Does It make (I am feeling very warm right now Please don't disappear I…
How Does It Make You Feel I am feeling very warm right now Please don't disappear I am…
I Here I am, playing with those memories again And just when…
I Have A Dream I got dreams I remember From December When I When I met you …
I love Chopin Now the night has gone Now the night has gone away Doesn't…
I Shall Be Released They say everything can be replaced They say every distance …
i wonder why You and I, tireless friends You and I, who feed on…
I'm Sleepy I'm sleepy あしたはあした 今日は今日で2度と戻らない すれちがったあの人とはもう きっとあうこともないんだろ…
Il secondo giorno Alessandro Baricco reading an extract from his book "City". …
In Need of You I remember an evening so long How your innocence sang And th…
In Our Time The clock ticks on another day go by I watch…
In The Sky My baby blue is a new star In the sky The world,…
In Your House I play at night in your house I live another…
Intro Cash, Cash, Cash, Cash, Cash, Yeah Cash auf der Seite, Ich…
It's A Beautiful Day Good morning よく眠れた? メロディーのない歌が満ち溢れてる 太陽が1日を始める 姿を見ながらシンクする 自…
J'ai dormi sous l'eau (instrumental - i slept underwater)…
J.l. C.t. Morning comes you're still here. Blue flashlight LCD Green p…
Jeanne Jeanne met toutes ses billes Dans la course au pouvoir Au su…
Jeanne (feat. Françoise Hardy) Jeanne met toutes ses billes dans la course au pouvoir,…
Just Like Honey I just like the feeling You give me when the time…
Kelly Kelly watch the stars Kelly watch the stars Kelly watch the …
Kids Are Alright すました顔して シニカル気取ってる Chicken! けとばせ Kick off now! タワごとばかりで 何も見えな…
Koe ni Naranai Koe ni Hi 声にならない声に Hi この調べとどくように そう たおやかに奏で 澄み渡るような 目をした君が笑いかけてる B…
L'urlo Poor little Alfie trying to draw Trying to draw Poor Little…
Le Soleil Le soleil est près de moi Le soleil est près de…
Le Soleil Est Pres De Moi Buffalo Daughter Remix And it wouldn't be a party without you to play And…
Le Soleil Est Pr\xC3\xA8s De Moi Le soleil est près de moi Le soleil est près de…
Le Soliel Est Près De Moi And it wouldn't be a party without you to play And…
Le Voyage de Pénélope ( intrumental )…
Left Bank Left Bank Left bank, I'm waiting for someone Someone to be …
LennarDigital Sylenth1 2.x_kg Is that the beginning of the new life? Can you feel…
Liberal 自分の指の小さな傷の痛みの方が何百万の 人々の絶望の死より心配だと言いたそうな顔色に 笑いかけるフォスターチャイルド…
Lonely Really thought that I could live without you Really thought …
Lose It Don't lose it, don't lose it I won't come home 'Cause you…
Lost in Passion I realize the best part of love is the thinnest…
Love I wish I could stay - not to fall away As…
Loving You Lovin' you is easy 'cause you're beautiful Makin' love with…
Lucky & Unhappy Do I need? Destiny Do I need? Schedule live Do I need? Venus…
Mer du Japon J'en perds la raison Dans la mer du Japon J'en perds la…
Metal Heart Losing the star without a sky Losing the reasons why You're …
MEWE. 血で血を洗う時代の 終わりにここで振り返る悲しみと (Standing) 今ここに立てる喜び 悲惨という言葉をなくす 2…
Missing the Light of the Day Partying all night long Sleeping around Waking up so late Mi…
Modular Mix { Instrumental }…
Morning There's a change in the morning sky Subtle leaves and fallin…
My Autumn's Done Come Kiss all the pretty ones goodbye Give everyone a penny that…
Napalm I'm falling in love I'm falling down, falling down Down on t…
Natsu no Iro wo Sagashi ni よせてはかえす波はまるで きのうまでの感情のよう 揺れるシンキロウはそこで手を 振ってるみたいに僕らを招く 嫌いじゃない…
New Star in the Sky My baby blue is a new star In the sky The world,…
New Star in the Sky (Chanson pour Solal) My baby blue is a new star in the sky My…
New Star InThe Sky My baby blue is a new star In the sky The world,…
Night Grazing, waving about in the breeze Dance with the yellow tr…
No More Dolly It's people scattered on the floor Cool war kids are runnin…
Nosferatu I'm a high school lover, and you're my favorite flavor…
Ocean Playaz Connection, we balling (Yea) Just remember, we the on…
On Some Faraway Beach Given the chance I'll die like a baby On some far away…
Once Upon a Time No time before it's too soon No time after it's too…
One and Only I was born yesterday. because 毎日決心の連続だから あしたこそ 今日からの 繰り返しでいつ…
One Hell of a Party Please do not follow where I am leading Someone must clear…
One Love Now the night has gone Now the night has gone away Doesn't…
One Way Sometimes when I just can't sleep And you're on my mind…
Only One I was born yesterday. because 毎日決心の連続だから あしたこそ 今日からの 繰り返しでいつ…
P.L.A Poor little Alfie trying to draw Trying to draw Poor Little…
Pat cobhan ride Alessandro Baricco reading an extract from his book "City". …
People in the City P.E.O.P.L.E.C.I.T.Y People in the city P.E.O.P.L.E.C.I.T.Y P…
People In The City Edit Version P.E.O.P.L.E.C.I.T.Y People in the city P.E.O.P.L.E.C.I.T.Y…
PERFORMERS We are the synchronizers Send messages through time code Mid…
Photograph I would like to own your photograph The angels cry to…
Planet Caravan We sail through endless skies Stars shine like eyes The bl…
Playground Love I'm a high school lover, and you're my favorite flavor…
Playground Love (feat. Gordon Tracks) I'm a high school lover, and you're my favorite flavor. Love…
Prologo Per La Puttana Di Closingtown Alessandro Baricco reading an extract from his book "City". …
Promise Song 青い水面に うつりこんでる 風に吹かれ たなびいていた その姿 ほのじろくて 甘い名前の女の子が 振り返ること あこがれ…
put your hands up Hello SUN! さんさんと輝く まぶしいこの瞬間あおいでる Ride on time きっとうまくいく何もかも E…
Quell'uomo Bara Dice Alessandro Baricco reading an extract from his book City. …
R.B. ใครจะมารักแน่นะ เราจะจ๋าจะจ๊ะ มันง๊ะง๊ะ เงิ่นเงอะ วู้ ใครจะ…
RADIO If you need some fun Some good stereo gum Radio number one…
Radio #1 If you need some fun Some good stereo gum Radio number one …
Radio #1 (edit) If you need some fun some good stereo gum radio #1 Brand ne…
Radio No 1 If you need some fun Some good stereo gum Radio number one …
Radio No.1 If you need some fun some good stereo gum radio #1 Brand ne…
Redhead Girl When the redhead girl goes by The course of time stands…
Remember Remember together Remember forever Remember together Remembe…
Rien Ne Va Plus Mon flow tue comme la police J'attire le mauvais œil comme…
Right Riot Where there's a will, there's a way. All roads lead to Rome.…
Roses Are Free Take a piece of tinsel and put it on the…
Run Holy girl Don't get up For running Stay with me I feel sad …
Rush And Rush They keep asking all the time What you doing with your…
Seven Stars How long it will take you to reach the stars? No…
Sex Born Poison Shoot,use your gun of life I'm not afraid to die In your…
Sexy Boy Sexy boy Sexy boy Sexy boy Sexy boy Où sont tes héros Au c…
Sexy Boy (album version) Sexy Boy Sexy Boy Où sont tes héros aux corps d'athlètes Où…
Sexy Boy (Cassius remix) Sexy boy, sexy boy ... Où sont tes héros aux corps…
Sexy Boy (Étienne de Crécy & The Flower Pistols remix) Sexy Boy Sexy Boy Où sont tes héros aux corps d'athlètes Où…
Sexy Boy (Sex Kino mix) Sexy boy, sexy boy ... Où sont tes héros aux corps…
Sexy Boy (Taormina Cover) Sexy Boy Sexy Boy Où sont tes héros aux corps d'athlètes Où…
Sexy Boy Video Sexy boy Sexy boy Sexy boy Sexy boy Où sont tes héro…
Sing Sang Sung You are such a workaholic boy That you kill everybody's joy …
So Light Is Her Footfall So light is her footfall She walks like a bird She's an…
Soleil Est Pres de Moi Le soleil est près de moi Le soleil est près de…
Somewhere Between Waking And S Without blindness, there is no sight You'd see further if yo…
Song For U Painted sands and makeshift hands take us round and round Ho…
Space Maker [Jean-Benoît Dunckel/Nicolas Godin] --- Instrumental ---…
STORY Let me tell you a real quick story A 29 Clan…
Suicide Is Painless Through early morning fog I see Visions of the things to…
Suicide Underground Everyone dated the demise of our neighborhood From the suici…
Suicides Lo que sea Lo que sea Lo que sea Lo que sea No me…
Suicides Underground Everyone dated the demise of our neighborhood From the suici…
suicideunderground Everyone dated the demise of our neighborhood From the suic…
Summer in the City Ooh, yeah, yeah 'Til he's main squeeze like a bus stop Runn…
Sunset 1.2.3 ゆらり歌い出したら 少し風が吹いた 勇敢に 生まれ変わるようにほら 歌い出せばいつも 全てを照らし出す 太陽…
Surfin' on a Rock Time for flying rockets For silver jets For surfing bomb…
Surfing on a rocket Time for flying rockets For silver jets For surfing bombs…
Surfriders サンライズ新しい日に 燦々 新しい君 you're my sunshine forever バイバイ 溶け込むように 海…
Symphony Revvin' up the engine, gonna hit the road tonight Got my…
Tell Me More You were late last night, the candle burned so low And…
The Duelist 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,…
The End Cité Chevaleret Cri d'horreur à l'heure des feux de l'aurore…
The Man Who Sold the World We passed upon the stair We spoke of was and…
The Old Man's Back Again I seen a hand, I seen a vision It was reaching…
The Sea Hearing out a day as it crosses you out in…
The Traveller I know so many Places in the world I follow the sun In…
The Vagabond Golden waves In all directions I could lose my soul right he…
The Virgin Suicides: Playground Love I'm a high school lover, and you're my favorite flavor…
The way you look tonight I like the way you look tonight No blood in your…
The Word 'hurricane The word 'Hurricane' is the name given to nature's strongest…
Time To Love I came to try To tell you that I gotta let…
Today Sittin' down by the seaside Everything is new You turn your …
Tomorrow Never Knows Turn off your mind relax and float down stream It is…
Tropical Disease Woman Woman Make me feel warm inside Woman Woman Make me …
Universal traveler I know so many Places in the world I follow…
Universal Traveller I know so many Places in the world I follow…
Venus You could be from Venus I could be from Mars We would…
Walk This Way Let's get started 今日からここから 更に高く羽ばたく明日へ 誇り高く踏み出す シニシズムを跳散らす 流…
Wave I used to want it all The rise and the fall Of…
Who Am I Now What do I know, where should I go Telling me things…
Wind We walked away before There were too many storms We could no…
Woman Every night seems, dinner and wine Saturdays, girls I was ne…
Wonder Milky Bitch This is the story of a country girl Back in town…
You Can Tell You can tell it to everybody There is something between us …
You Can Tell It To Everybody You can tell it to everybody There is something between us Y…
You Make It Easy Never been here, how about you? You smile at my answer You'v…
You Make It Easy (With Beth Hi "Never been here – How about you?" You smile at my…
You Make It Easy Intro Never been here, how about you? You smile at my answer You'v…
Young Lately all my thoughts have gone to you You know that's…
ここで確かに 見よう見真似でほら 夢をかかげてごらん いつもより少し具体的に 黄昏の風が徒然なるままに 理由なき苛立ち消し去る ここで…
声にならない声に Hi 声にならない声に Hi この調べとどくように そう たおやかに奏で 澄み渡るような 目をした君が笑いかけてる B…
夏の色を探しに よせてはかえす波はまるで きのうまでの感情のよう 揺れるシンキロウはそこで手を 振ってるみたいに僕らを招く 嫌いじゃない…
運命はいくつもある 日だまりに座り込み いま虚しさと 戦う時間 ただ上滑り 時間が解決してくれる こともあるはず 運命はいくつもある う…

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