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Alexi Blue Lyrics

Burn We, we don't have to worry bout nothing Cause we got…
Don't He whispered in my ear Grab me another beer Says you…
Hold on, We're Going Home I got my eyes on you You're everything that I see I…
I Don`t Speak Tru$t Fund He whispered in my ear Grab me another beer Says you…
I Want Crazy I′m booking myself a one way flight I gotta see the…
Kicked a Girl Day in, day out You fill my head with All kinds of…
Let Her Go Well you only need the light when it's burning low Only…
Night Changes Going out tonight, changing into something red My mother doe…
No Good Love Let me tell you bout boy number one Had the face…
Radioactive I'm waking up to ash and dust I wipe my brow…
Royals I've never seen a diamond in the flesh I cut my…
Royalty Picture perfect little princess She gets everything she want…
Story of My Life Written in these walls are the stories that I can′t…

Sweater Weather All I am is a man I want the world in…
Wrecking Ball We clawed, we chained our hearts in vain We jumped never…