Amor Antiquita
Preview of new Slave Indvstries comp featuring Amor Antiquita: ............… Read Full Bio ↴Preview of new Slave Indvstries comp featuring Amor Antiquita: ............ now for a more human description: Hi! I'm Michael! I like to make music. There's so much to be told about things I feel/think/see that I couldn't even begin to describe them all here. I use a bunch of different mediums to describe the things I see - this particular one is going to be focusing on music, but other things will probably bleed into it. There's no shortage of things to think about... and that is what I enjoy the most. If I had any words of advice, it'd be these (Which, incidentally aren't mine at all): Amor Vincit Omnia. ....New Album ..Maestro's Medley.. out now! - $5
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