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Back into You By the way I saw you, Saturday morning, still drunk…
Bad Taste You're the bad taste that I can't get out of…
Bittersweet I've been searching for a long time, Just to find…
Find My Way Back Home It's been a long day and I've worked so hard…
Ghost Left my apartment for the first time in two weeks,…
God in a Bottle Yeah I found god in a bottle and he let…
Gravity Show me your teeth, Cause there's nothing left to say, I gav…
Hailey Can you be quiet for a little longer, I need…
Huang Di 守候为了三世的家臣 说我觉醒在这一代 祖先为了我起的名字 注定我将文武全才 音符划分了我的世界 左起蓬菜 右到了瑶台 从…
Inside My Head Woke up this morning it was Saturday, Smiled as I heard…
It's Alarming It's alarming, it's alarming how you missed out on this It's…
MakeDamnSure You've got this new head filled up with smoke And I…
Please Don't Go Yea yea Yea yea Yea So don't you go, no So don't you go,…
Runaway I couldn't tell you what it's all about, I keep…
Sober Living I'm in over my head, Is this all for real? Got…
Suffocating I′ve been taking up my sweet time To set the record…
Take It All Away I keep fading to the light, You keep telling me…
The Art of Self Sabotage Do I like love? Or do I like pain? Sometimes it…
Tightrope I walk on a tightrope praying for an ending, I…
To Be or Nothing at All I broke down Got nothing to sing about I just keep staring…
Unbroken You don't have to live this way, Fighting through every day,…
Yi Nian Qian 你还记得一年前 我们初次约会的那天 你靠在我左手的肩 问为什么月亮这么圆 我说是庆祝我和你见面 你说我的嘴怎么这么甜 可…