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Band of Holy Joy Lyrics

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on Fishwives

Ok here are the lyrics taken from the lyric sheet on" More
He threw me out in the rain
'Course you came back again
Men,aren't they all the bloody same
you beast you sow you bastard cow'
you've got a mouth like a sewer
who are you to call me a whore
wash your mouth out with soap
you haven't got a hope
and I'll tell you this
The bread is stale
the Docks run dry
The larder is bare
and the babies just cry
and I love you, but do you, love me?

Beggers thieves Fairies whores
flesh to the bone all day
srubbing floors to buy you the promised ring
'course you pawned everything

Can't you bloody well cope
A diamond amoungst shit
you got me trapped in this pit
well if it's such a bore
why not walk out the door
But I love you You hate me
I need you You don't need me
Heavenly bliss
(ooh what I'd give for one little kiss)

Yep it says prick on the lyric sheet.

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