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Buddy Davis Lyrics

Billions of Dead Things [Verse 1] The Bible talk about a worldwide Flood, Of a world…
Freckles Fggryuioojhf Dr']yrt-rtr0tor: Trotlrtortlrt0orTrtRtrpt'rtpr'…
I Can't Imagine Me Without You As long as stars shine down from heaven And the rivers…
I Don Years we've been together Seems we can't get along, No matte…
It's Designed To Do If it's the last thing I do, I'll make you…

The Woodpecker Song How much wood does a woodpecker peck When a woodpecker pecks…


on It's Designed To Do

NOT the lyrics to Buddy Davis' Song


on I Don't Believe In Evolution

This is cool


on I Don't Believe In Evolution

This is nice