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Chuck Miller Lyrics
House of Blue Lights Lace up your boots and we'll broom on down To a…
The Auctioneer Here we go then What are you gonna give for them I…
The House of Blue Lights Lace up your boots and we'll broom on down To a…
Benjamin Giather
on Baltimore Jones
Now, Baltimore Jones had a dirty shirt.
He was ragged from head to toe.
Baltimore Jones had a dirty shirt,
But his soul was white as snow.
Well, Baltimore Jones used to spend his time,
Being kind to the young and old.
Baltimore Jones didn't have a dime,
But he had a heart of gold.
Then came the devil,
Taught him to steal.
An Apple, or a dollar,
Or an automobile.
Taught him to lie. *lie*
Taught him to cheat. *cheat*
Made him the meanest
Old man on the street.
Now, Baltimore Jones wore a clean white shirt.
He was using the finger bowl.
Baltimore Jones wore a clean white shirt,
But his soul was black as coal.
Baltimore Jones,
Baltimore Jones,
The devil will come
to claim your soul.
*solo section*
Then came an angel.
Taught him to pray.
Reminded him he'd never
get to heaven that way.
That's when he learned,
Learned to repent.
Gave back the money,
Returned every cent.
Now, Baltimore Jones wears a dirty shirt.
But he's happier now, I know.
Baltimore Jones wears a dirty shirt,
But his soul is white as snow.
Baltimore Jones,
Baltimore Jones,
The angels they came
And saved his soul.