Don Juan
There are many musical ventures which use the name 'Don Juan'
'Don … Read Full Bio ↴There are many musical ventures which use the name 'Don Juan'
'Don Juan' is a Indie / Alternative Rock 4-piece from Bristol, United Kingdom. Formed in July of 2013, the band consists of vocalist and guitarist Jordon Jefferies, second guitarist Ellis Fitzgerald, bass player Rory Joseph and drummer Alex Mannings.
Don Juan is also a musical comedy of Félix Gray launched in 2003. Don Juan was presented in Canada (mainly Quebec and Ottawa) and in France with a total of 600,000 attending. The troupe also went to South Korea for some presentations there. The CD from the musical saw sales of more than 300,000 copies. The show had a run until 2006.
The lead roles were Jean-François Breau in the role of Don Juan and Marie-Ève Janvier in the role of Maria, In 2012, a new edition will be presented in Montreal, Canada with Breau and Janvier keeping their lead roles.
'Don … Read Full Bio ↴There are many musical ventures which use the name 'Don Juan'
'Don Juan' is a Indie / Alternative Rock 4-piece from Bristol, United Kingdom. Formed in July of 2013, the band consists of vocalist and guitarist Jordon Jefferies, second guitarist Ellis Fitzgerald, bass player Rory Joseph and drummer Alex Mannings.
Don Juan is also a musical comedy of Félix Gray launched in 2003. Don Juan was presented in Canada (mainly Quebec and Ottawa) and in France with a total of 600,000 attending. The troupe also went to South Korea for some presentations there. The CD from the musical saw sales of more than 300,000 copies. The show had a run until 2006.
The lead roles were Jean-François Breau in the role of Don Juan and Marie-Ève Janvier in the role of Maria, In 2012, a new edition will be presented in Montreal, Canada with Breau and Janvier keeping their lead roles.
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