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Dreamer Boy Lyrics

are you letting go I didn't say you were the reason why I didn't plan…
ARE YOU LETTING GO? I didn't say you were the reason why I didn't plan…
Baby Blue Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh She always had the best…
Crybaby Well, the time is moving faster and I don't know…
Don't Be A Fool Don't be scared, it's only natural to feel this way You're…
Dont Be a Fool Don't be scared, it's only natural to feel this way You're…
Falling for the Wrong One Summers' almost over I would have thought she'd find me out …
Fever Fever, catching fever Fever, catching fever Fever, catching …
Heartbreaker Woo Oh, yeah Oh, yeah Uh Back holdin' my head comin' down B…
HUES (Yeah) I know that she loves me By the way that she…
KEEP THE PACE (Keep up, keep up, keep up) Yeah I'm in the throes of…
Lavender We′ve been on and off for years, I think I…
Let's Hold Hands Come on You crazy? Aight Let's hold hands Let's j…

Orange Girl Even though it's wrong I still like the way it feels And…
Puppy Dog (Ah, I just had it the right way) (Okay, okay, okay) (Alrigh…
Solstice Evade my focus Just there for solstice See your face resurfa…
Suckerpunch Yeah, yeah, yeah You got your Fleetwood freedom I just want …

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