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01Ela Voltou de Perna Bamba Remix (part. Love Funk)Gabb MC, Dj Pikeno Mpc e MC Guh SRGabb MC, Dj Pikeno Mpc e MC Guh SR
02Ela Voltou de Perna Bamba RemixGabb MC, Dj Pikeno Mpc e MC Guh SRGabb MC, Dj Pikeno Mpc e MC Guh SR
03Ela Voltou de Perna Bamba Remix (com Love Funk)Gabb MC, Dj Pikeno Mpc e MC Guh SRGabb MC, Dj Pikeno Mpc e MC Guh SR
04Ela Voltou de Perna Bamba Remix (avec Love Funk)Gabb MC, Dj Pikeno Mpc e MC Guh SRGabb MC, Dj Pikeno Mpc e MC Guh SR
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Gabb MC Dj Pikeno Mpc e MC Guh SR Lyrics
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