Hate Ashley
Bill Johnson's christian name is Devin Schafer. He formed the band with the… Read Full Bio ↴Bill Johnson's christian name is Devin Schafer. He formed the band with the help of his mentor Christian Slater in the mid 1990's. Originally called "Life Beyond Candice" the band received notoriety when the lead singer and vocalist Bill Johnson claimed publicly that he was a shape-shifter not of this earth. Since 1993 the band has played all over the world including Sicily (where B.J. is originally from) and Antarctica. Their influences range from cereal commercials to classic Disney movie scores from the 1940's. In 2002, right before a major gig in Bangkok, lead singer Bill Johnson was struck by lightning and given the power to recreate any scene from any movie that he has seen before. In 2005 Hate Ashley was scheduled to perform live for the Queen of Africa when a bus accident caused the drummer Lucky Ridgewood to lose an arm. He still plays better than that amputee from Def Leopard and gets more chicks also. Bill Johnson and the rest of the band currently reside in Rochester New Hampshire, and they are in the process of recording their 67th album "Put another log on that bitch". They can be reached through Myspace and will respond if you compliment them or want to book them for a show. Ta Ta. -The editor
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