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Helium Lyrics

01 Pat's Trick Creepy and sullen and running out of room In my little…
04 Baby's going underground Baby, I saw they kicked you down Now you're the only…
10 heaven can wait as you should know by now but you…
A hódító refr.: (2x) Át kell úsznom az összes Óceánt …
Aging Astronauts I count the stars almost every day The aging astronauts hav…
All the X's Have Wings heaven can wait as you should know by now but you…
Baby Baby, I saw they kicked you down Now you're the only…
Baby Vampire Made Me It doesn't matter if it's wrong or if it's right, You…
Baby's Going Underground Baby, I saw they kicked you down Now you're the only…
Cosmic Rays Saint Christopher, help them please I saw them floating on …
Csak még egyszer Hittem, hogy örökké ragyog, de eltűnt, egyedül hagyott. Több…
Elsö pillantás 'Szia,Én vagyok! Csak azért telefonálok, Mert átgondolta…
Eső Oly sok fenn a felhő, hogy nem jut a…

Flower of the Apocalypse agnus dei, qui tollis miserere nobis agnus dei, qui tollis d…
Helium Héliumtól száll a léggömb Hadd repüljön, jól megtöltöm …
Honey Comb and she knows you never ask her to come over…
I'll Get You, I Mean It Do you need help at all like me? I saw you…
Kerek Perec Bírlak téged, s ha te is szeretsz Hát kimondom…
Kis hajó Így lesz jó! RAP: Noé bárkája…
Lady of the Fire Lady, QUEEN of fire, Come on, be my girl, o o…
Leon's Space Song Leon, sing me your space song, I don't care if…
Love $$$ High-heeled shoes and a brand new you. Look at yourself you…
Lullaby of the Moths Hush now, do not cry The crystal tear dropped from your…
Medusa Black angel, you're my centerfold Though you're two years ol…
Most már fújhatom Csütörtök reggel volt, illetve péntek Amikor elárultam Nek…
Ocean of Wine Do you think you'll die when this river runs dry Took…
Oh the Wind and Rain that girl knows where she doesn't go in the river…
Omnis Mundi Creatura Omnis mundi creatura quasi liber et pictura nobis est in…
OOO Oly sok fenn a felho, Hogy nem jut a foldre…
Pánikhangulat Nincs annál édesebb Mint amikor léggömbön utazunk „Nézd,…
Pat s Trick Creepy and sullen and running out of room In my little…
Pat-s Trick Creepy and sullen and running out of room In my little…
Piromantika Amikor azt üvöltötted: 'nem szeretlek és semmit nem tehetsz,…
Riddle of the Chamberlin Did you ever find the light that we left behind? Can…
Silver Angel I AM THE EARTH it's not something that I know I AM…
Skeleton did I tell you, I've got tiny little fingers I've got…
Superball a glass eye I use to spy have little tiny teeth…
The King of Electric Guitars The king of electric guitars Brought under wayfarer stars Is…
Trixie's Star trixie says she's blown away by what she sees there's…
trixies star trixie says she's blown away by what she sees there's…
Vibrations Vibrations everyday In the dark you feel okay Do you see t…
Walk Away There's a river of tears i need to cry Been holding…
Wanna Be a Vampire Too, Baby [I'm gonna see you fly] EVIL watch me. EVIL watch me. Watch…
XXX It's not for free but I'll take your love if…

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