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Iain Matthews Lyrics

7 Bridges Road There are stars In the southern sky Southward as you go T…
Alone Again Blues She slipped out of the door in her traveling shoes Got…
Biloxi Down around Biloxi Pretty girls are swimming in the sea Oh…
Blue Blue Day It's been a blue, blue day I feel like runnin' away I…
Bridge Of Cherokee You fall, she cries so softly Oh wait for me I know…
Carefully Taught You have got to be taught to hate and fear day…
Darkness Darkness Darkness, darkness, be my pillow Take my hand and let me…
Don't Hang up Your Dancing Shoes I heard you were thinking of settling down I know you're…
Every Crushing Blow You know when you go back to that place That you…
Following Every Finger I remember one day you Said you'd leave for a while I…
For the Second Time For The Second Time This song is by Plainsong and appears…
Gimme An Inch Girl Give me an inch, girl Give me an inch, girl Give me…
Girl With the Clouds in Her Eyes On a road late at night Your heart is a mirror You…

Groovin' Groovin', on a Sunday afternoon Really couldn't get away to…
I Don't Want to Talk About It I can tell by your eyes that you've probably been…
It Came Without Warning Jacobs-Burnham It came without warning and not even a sound…
Keep On Sailing There's an omen in the sky today Keep on, keep on…
King of the Night You were like a fast car Burned up in a race And…
Let There Be Blues Let there be blues in the morning Let there be tears…
Little Known Matthews All is not so black today It doesn't matter anyway…
Met Her On A Plane I met her on a plane I had forgotten I was…
Morgan The Pirate Farina Hello, hey buddy, wanna thank you for the ride Don't…
One Day Without You One day without you And I feel just like I'm somebody…
Propinquity Nesmith I've known for a long time the kind of girl…
Reno Nevada It's a long long way down to Reno Nevada It's a…
Save Your Sorrows Matthews Where's the point in us bringin' the doctor in her…
Seven Bridges Road There are stars In the southern sky Southward as you go T…
Seven Bridges Road - Live, The Bottom Line, New York City, May 1988 There are stars In the southern sky Southward as you go Ther…
Shady Lies Thompson If you've handed me one You've handed me a thousan…
Shake It Here she comes ridin' Rollin' it down the line Slipin' and…
She May Call You Up Tonight I've been telling lies I never knew all to keep that girl …
Southern Wind Matthews I know you find this situation Funnier than me The…
These Days Browne Well I've been out walkin' I don't do that much talk…
Thro My Eyes Matthews Lord above us, hear my song Tell me if I'm doing…
Tigers Will Survive I'll make no ?? with you, John, You're the kind to hold…
Tribute To Hank Williams Tim Hardin: Tribute To Hank Williams Good bye Hank Williams…
Woodstock I came upon a child of God He was walking along…

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