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Jeff Rosenstock Lyrics

***bnb Sam Your mom has secretly been renting out your home I used…
***SKA Dan Your mom has secretly been renting out your home I used…
...While You're Alive When you're a ghost They'll sit around and talk about how…
3 SUMMERS Don't kid yourself Don't tell yourself that you're not evil …
80's Through the 50's Miles away and I can't seem to shake the smell…
9 / 10 Every night you go to bed You wake up just a…
Airwalks Looking down the barrel of a shitty future Throwing back wha…
All This Useless Energy Darkness holds Begging me to lose control We wrestle it back…
Amen Waiting to go to school on some suburban road They took…
Bang On The Door I wanna say I'm just paranoid, but I'm not There was…
Beating My Head Against a Wall Talk-talk-talk-talk-talking to you but You don't wanna hear …
Beauty of Breathing Sometimes I wanna take the car out on the road Flip…
Beers Again Alone Spent the whole weekend in bed Summoning all of the garbage…

Blast Damage Days Whenever days slip away and every moment with me Feels…
Bonus Oceans Yeah, I've got friends who wanna catch up on old…
CARING I haven't written a song in a month So I'm playing…
Checkerboard Ashtray Pick it up Pick it up, pick it up, pick it…
Darkness Records Burn my Mona Lisa I would like another chance To put stars…
Dishes I am not Jesus though I have the same initials…
DOUBT Speak, even if it feels weird Even if it feels weird…
Eastern Coast Sometimes I go to work I just don't feel right. Sometimes…
f a m e Did you lose the magic? Did you make it tragic? Did you…
Festival Song It feels completely ridiculous that I'm a willing participan…
FUTURE IS DUMB As we charge swiftly into darkness As the alternatives fall …
Get Old Forever When your friends are buying starter homes with their accomp…
Go On Get When waking up is such a headache you don’t wanna wake up …
GRAVEYARD SONG Awakened by a blaring notification The contents of which I h…
Hall of Fame Staring down at your hands trying hard to react to What…
HEAD I am just an avatar of someone I've invented A messenger…
HEALMODE I never thought I'd say it But it's hard to hate…
HELLLLHOOOOLE They would pluck us from the lives we’re living With…
Hey Allison She′s on the western side Looking at the Jersey skyline She'…
Hey Allison! She's on the western side Looking at the jersey skyline Sh…
Honeymoon Ashtray Early afternoon at the souvenir shop Bought a funny ashtray …
Horn Line So long I'm staying home less than leaving Anxious more ofte…
I Did you lose the magic? Did you make it tragic? Did you…
I Did Something Weird Last Night I arrived drenched in morning light And it churned my…
I Don't Wanna Die junjo karen na kimi o kimochi yoku shitai junjo karen na…
I WANNA BE WRONG When I can sense that jaws of hatred Have sunk in…
I'm Serious I'm Sorry I didn't know that he got in a car crash We…
I'm So Gross I chase my beer with someone else's beer. I don't go…
June 21st It's beautiful out there's nothing I'd rather do than slay…
Leave It In The Ska (Leave it in the sun) (Get melted away) Don't let me know…
Leave It In The Sun Don't let me know all the reasons That it probably…
Let Them Win They can kick us in the knees They can push us…
LIFE ADMIN (One, two, three, four) Little washer on the ground Why didn…
LIKED U BETTER Creepin' out the fog I start to sense that something's wrong…
Little Blue Pills Little blue pills Bottles of codeine lying On the shelf at…
MCI She didn't party So we became friends in college Unified aga…
Melba After the storm breaks Fluorescence radiates off Skin overfl…
Monday At Back To The Beach If the weather stays as good or better I might…
Mornin'! Hello, best friend It's me Hope this makes it on your new…
N O D R E A M They were picking up the bodies on TV When I caught…
Nausea Held in the bong hit sitting in a Hot tub in…
Nikes Looking down the barrel of a shitty future Throwing back wha…
NO TIME Did you learn to make amends with your pile of…
NO U I've been thinking of you day and night Got nostalgia set…
Novelty Sweater Stuck in a room, clutched to an aching womb. My mind…
Ohio Porkpie Ohio Turnpike Another hour or two Counting the dashed lines …
Old Crap Go back to the old crap To the things you tell…
p i c k i t u p Did you lose the magic? Did you make it tragic? Did you…
Pash Rash I've been doing this for half my years I've been mouthing…
Perfect Sound Whatever When I'm aching for their respect I won't abandon anything …
Pietro 60 Years Old Pietro, 60 years old, will you wait for me? Keep…
Planet Luxury The ones in power built a dream on guarantees of…
Polar Bear or Africa As I desaturate the fertile greens, I wanna tell you…
Powerlessness This just dawned on me I haven't spoken to another person…
Rainbow Progress reaches down from the sky Dropping bins and couches…
S K A D R E A M They were picking up the bodies on TV When I caught…
Scram I've been told for most my life "Wait until the…
SKrAm I-I've been told, I've been told I've been told for most…
Snow Charges There's a patch shimmering under the sky On the south corne…
SOFT LIVING When you think of me Do you see something inside me…
Staring Out the Window at Your Old Apartment Someone hung a decorative surfboard up Where your records …
State Line So long! I'm staying home less than leaving Anxious more oft…
Teenager Young, dumb and trying to fall in love with a…
The Beauty of Breathing Sometimes I wanna take the car out on the road Flip…
The Fuzz I can't stand feeling violent but it's hard not to…
The Internet is Everywhere. I want you to know I'm glad you're not dead. All…
The Rudie of Breathing Sometimes I wanna take the car out on the road Flip…
The Trash The Trash The Trash Worried about the rodents and maggots in the trash So I…
to be a ghost Fuck off, the internet I'm tired of circling amongst apologi…
TV Stars I can't play piano all that well Like, I'm fine I can…
Twinkle While you were asleep Pulled my hood to block the light…
USA Dumbfounded, downtrodden and dejected Crestfallen, grief-str…
Wave Goodnight To Me I used to walk down to the docks in spring…
We Begged 2 Explode Someone's gonna bleed and dribble trails in the snow Stretch…
While You're Alive When you're a ghost They'll sit around and talk about how…
WILL U STILL U Will you still love me after I've fucked up? After I've…
You In Weird Cities Philip′s living up in Chicago Matty's working hard in Ohio F…
You, In Weird Cities Philip's living up in Chicago. Matty's working hard in Ohio.…
Yr Throat I can't find any way I can't find any way to…

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