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Kiss Kiss Lyrics

1 2 3 泣かない約束など しなくてもいいよ ここから歩きだそう 君の涙は全部 この手で抱きしめ 僕が守る 夢を(Together…
A World Without Heroes A world without heroes Is like a world without sun You can't…
All They Draw The face you swore Was youthful in its time. Is now old…
College Film And I smiled from the scars The tramps in the park Are…
Dress Up My mother says you were a body in the rain, A…
Hate 아파서 울었던 날 (um, yeah-yeah) 좋아서 기뻤던 날 (ooh-ooh-ooh) 서툴던 만남과 헤어…
I Was Made For Lovin' You Hmm, yeah Ha, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,…
If They Only Knew And they came up slow They pushed to the back And left…
iris & eye It's all, all in your mind Your glance, iris and eye But…
Iris and Eye It's all, all in your mind Your glance, iris and eye But…
Janet Janet I swore If you walked through that door I won't call…
Killing the Son It was Hard To Organize the Peace When Everyone Raised the…
Kiss Kiss ねぇねぇ今すぐキスしようよ ねぇねぇ濃厚なキスしようよ 唇腫れてもキスしたいよ ずっとずっとずっとずっとキスしようよ …

Machines If you find Strength in The Sea Choke on the Waters…
Plague #11 Oh, I'm strong, and brawn I know that I can take…
Satellite Satellite Satellite Are you Stupid? You shot your Pictures t…
Satéllite Babies on beach blankets headed for Mars Cute guys in crew…
Says My Doctor Say yes my boy be my love be my love Say yes my boy be my…
Shits in Suits My Mother Said you Were A Body in The Rain A Rotting…
Sixth Sense Oh touch! An embrace of the senses A blasting of the…
Stay The Day Sweat on the angels Led to the fire A beautiful place inde…
The Best Mistake You're the one That they've said Has drifted towards the s…
The Cats In Your House Kill the cats in your house To save the mouse Satellites t…
Vagabond I Twitch My Mouth and Grind My Teeth I Roll My…

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