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Krystal Keith Lyrics

Anyone Else It ain't always easy Lovin' somebody That you can't live wit…
Beautiful Weakness The line of consequence isn′t always straight I cross it eas…
Boulder You know just where to strike If you want to…
Cabo San Lucas Girl the last time you saw me I wasn't this…
Can't Buy You Money I got a sweet lovin’ man at home, he knows…
Daddy Dance With Me I know what you see when you look at me As…
Get Your Redneck On Muddy bank between my toes Kicking back while the river flow…
I Got You Sometimes you set your mind Dig your heals and jump in…
Mockingbird Mock (yeah) -ing (yeah) Bird (yeah?) Yeah (oh, yeah) Mockin'…
O Holy Night O holy night the stars are brightly shining It is the…
O' Holy Night O holy night the stars are brightly shining It is the…
Resting Beach Face I wish I could hang a do not disturb sign On…
Then It Started Raining I don't know how you ended up walking out of…

What Did You Think I'd Do Well my best girl friend says you gotta be kidding…
Whiskey And Lace Casey needs another spray-on tan Momma's here to keep Cheyen…