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Kunt and the Gang Lyrics

50 Things You Should Think About to Stop You Doing Your Beans Sometimes when you’re making love it’s Hard to make it last …
A Cup of Tea Ooh, I've been terribly unlucky the Last couple of weeks If …
A Lonely Wank in a Travelodge People think it's a glamorous life Touring with your songs B…
a Picture of the Queen I’m shitting on a picture of the Queen I’m shitting on…
A Semi-on With a Drop of Pre-cum When I'm looking at a nudey mag When I'm looking at…
Air Hostess I was on board my flight with EasyJet It was really…
All I Want For Christmas is You Ho ho ho, merry Christmas! This is what I'd really like…
Amy I asked Gibbons if it was too Soon and he said,…
Angry Birds Gave Me Piles I moved in with my girlfriend But I was a bellend I…
Arranged Bride Her parents came to England from a far off land From…
Back And Forth We went out for the night We went out for a…
Bangers and Mash I was in the pub and I needed a piss I…
Boo Hoo Houston I just heard on the news Whitney Houston has died I got…

Boris Johnson Is A Fucking Cunt Boris boris boris boris Boris boris boris boris Boris Johns…
Bras I just can’t stop going in charity shops Where I take…
Britain's Got Talent Shows I would like to go on a TV talent show But…
Can't Work Won't Work Karen: You see when I get up in the morning I…
Carol Vorderman Carol's really beautiful and very good at sums I'd like to…
Chips Or Tits I can name my Top 10 records I can name my…
Christmas Clearout Last Christmas day, I tucked some food away I woke up…
Cock In A Cunt Well I’ve had it off 3 or 4 times But I’ve…
Craig Had Pubes When He Was Nine Years ago we had such fun Around the woods when we…
Deal Or No Deal It’s 3 O’clock in the afternoon The Countdown Conundrum come…
Detox My Cock I bought a book with Carol Vorderman on the front 'Cause…
Doctor Fox I got myself a record deal But now I need a…
Equal Opportunities Wank You see a lot of dodgy things on the internet But…
Ex-girlfriend You dumped me, I was upset In fact it broke my…
F*cksticks Fuck around, lay around, do or die Fuck around, lay around,…
Female Referee I've been suffering from erection problems But that soon was…
Feminine Itch Well, I was seeing this girl, it was going OK But…
Five People Died On the M25 I was on my way to Croydon I was driving to…
For A Million Pounds Would you buy shares in Northern Rock? No i wouldn′t, defini…
Fred and Rose KUNT: I like having it off with young ladies LITTLE KUNT:…
Fucksticks Now, my old Grandad had a word He used when things…
Gentleman's Wash Last Friday night I was due out on a date But…
Gentlemans Wash Last Friday night I was due out on a date But…
God's Stitches At this festive time of year I’d like to raise a…
Harry is Our Man I just heard on the news That Capello has quit No one…
Have A Wank What do you do in the middle of the night When…
Have You Seen My Snowman In the winter I like to go Out in the garden…
Having a W*nk in Happyland In Mothercare, they've got a brand Of children's toys called…
Heather Mills A collision with a police motorbike in 1993 Meant Heather Mi…
Hurry up and Suck Me Off Before I Get Famous This song’s to all the munters and The mingers and the…
I Shit My Pants I'm feeling very poorly, poorly in my belly But I promised…
I Sucked Off A Bloke This was never the way I planned Not my intention I was…
I Want To Do A Poo At Paul's Everybody defecates It's just something that we do You pull …
I Was Pissed Out of My Head My bird was ill the other day so I went out…
I'm Gonna Lick You Out You look really nice I've got some advice Take your skirt …
I'm Gonna Think of You You know when you love someone They're always on your mind A…
I've Got A Plan I’ve had enough of scheming And messing round with pricks My…
I've Had My Last Wank For England England! England! Let's have a wank for England! England! En…
If in Doubt Get Your Corey Out Sometimes life can be a stress With work and bills you’re…
Im Gonna Lick You Out You look really nice i've got some advice Take your skirt…
Intro 4 125-й bpm и мы накручиваем басс Мы радио fm ,наши фристайлы…
It Can't Be Rape Rape is a despicable crime It's not about sex it’s about…
It's Just a Butterfly It was my mate Jim’s mum’s funeral And I wanted to…
Jesus I took a trip to the Holy Land Though I’m not…
Jimmy Savile and the Sexy Kids The other night I suddenly awoke To the spectral shape of…
Just Can't Get Enough I saw a picture of a naked man When all his…
Karen's Got Talent CRAIG: Make us a fookin brew Will you? Kettle's just boiled …
Kunt and the Gang Megamix 'Yo, Kunt and the Gang, trip it up one time!' I…
Kunt Comfort I hear your husband left ya for another lady That must…
Kuntish Christmas Me and Les next door Were as good mates as we…
Let's Fuck About With Fireworks When the people all unite They become one and strong And can…
Let's Go Commando Oh Yeah Ooh, la, la, la Let's go dancin' Ooh, la, la, …
Let's Have A Wank For England England, England Let's have a wank for England England, Engl…
Let's Send Nan To Dignitas My nan is fucking loaded while the Rest of us are…
little kunt's csi theme medley LK: New York, ah yeah! C'mon! Out here in the fields…
Lovely Jubbly Normal birds are such miseries They do nothing for me But th…
Make Sure That She's Rank When I'm in a night club I always seek Tasty looking…
Make Sure That Shes Rank When I'm in a night club I always seek Tasty looking…
Meet the Matthews DI rADGITT: Allo there I’m Detective Inspector George Radgit…
Men With Beards Men with beards, what are they hiding? Could I handle the…
Michael Eavis and His Micro-Penis The man who founded Glastonbury Has a beard but no moustache…
My Bumrape Place Did you see that episode of Hollyoaks Where Luke got raped…
My F*cking Mental Friend On the floor the people dance around Getting fucking leather…
My Homeless Friend I was walking through the streets of old Soho When I…
my mum found my mpegs When I came home the other day My mum couldn't look…
My mum found my wank mags When I came home the other day My Mum couldn't look…
My Mum Found My Wankmags When I came home the other day My mum couldn't look…
My Nob is Bigger Than Your Nob K: My nob is bigger than your nob It’s got more…
Nobody Spunks Up a Cunt Anymore Life is so different since I was a kid Kids stay…
One Last Wank and One Last Cry I had a dream about a baby the other night And…
Paperboy Gonna tell you a little Story ‘bout my paperboy Pppaperboy, …
Paul Stephenson's Party The most raucous party ever Wasn't after a premiere It wasn'…
Penis Extension In my Ford Fiesta I sometimes feel quite down Because girls …
Period Pants Me and my girlfriend We were getting on great We were so…
Perverts On the Internet I met this girl on Myspace She was 16 and a…
pete townshend from the who Boo hoo! You were a guitarist of some great repute But now…
Pippa Middleton Pippa's really beautiful And she's really fit I'd like to pu…
Political Correctness Gone Mad You can’t lock your kids In the cupboard anymore Even if it’…
Princess Di It was a normal day, I was having a wank My…
Pubes Now if you want to be a proper bloke Despite what…
Rachel Riley When Carol left Countdown me was upset Me never thought me…
Santa's Sack When I was a little kunt I always used to…
Santas Sack When I was a little kunt I always used to stay Over…
Seedy Affair My wife doesn’t understand me Your husband is neglecting you…
Shannon Ain't Dead Shannon ain’t dead, she’s under my bed Shannon ain’t dead, s…
Shaven Haven 'Yo, Kunt and the Gang, trip it up one time!!' Shave…
Sit Down Wee I used to think that I was cool As cool as…
Soapy Tit Wank Watching TV the other day I happened to turn on 'Home…
Teach Your Kids to Smoke People are living far too long That’s part of evolution The …
That's My Erection Well I was dancing in a club to some RnB I…
That's Why I'm Voting Ukip Did you know in China that a ladies' vagina Goes from…
Thats My Erection Well I was dancing in a club to some RnB I…
The 12 Days of Christmas On the first day of Christmas My mate Cliff photoshopped me …
The Birds and the Bees Well, I was at a family wedding and to be…
The Bloke Up the Garage Fucked a Sheep A shotgun made it wield Sheep grazing in a field They poin…
The Cure for Depression My mate Mike's been feeling down And I tried to show…
The F.G.M. Calypso In Africa a problem abound That cause discomfort and some fr…
The Illegal Download Song You wouldn't interfere with kids and Lock them in your shed …
The Model We got a nude model for our art class It was…
The Queen's Cunt I've been to Billericay and I’ve been to Frinton-on-sea It's…
The Two Finger Test On my 16th birthday my Dad came into my room No,…
The Worst Thing in the World The worst thing in the world Is finding blood on your…
The Wrong Ian Watkins Now we all heard what Ian Watkins did It sent my…
There's a Child Molester Living In Grays His hair's a mess, he's scruffily dressed His fingers he emp…
This Christmas I've been thinking about just one thing Since Christmas time…
Tourettes Girlfriend When I'm having sexual intercourse I really must profess I l…
Use My Arse As a Cunt I wanted a record deal but I was too rude I…
Use My Arsehole as a Cunt I wanted a record deal but I was too rude I…
Wank Fantasy You're much younger than my wife And you paid me attention…
Wank Rap I tried to write a rap song It didn't take me…
Wank the Dog I got him from the pet shop They said he was…
Wanking Over a Pornographic Polaroid of an Ex-girlfriend Who Died KUNT: When I was up the loft I came across a…
We're All Pink On the Inside K: I’m as white as a sheet From my head to…
What Do Dreams Mean I used to have a recurring dream It was always on…
What's the Point in Burlesque? Click click muff, click click Muff, click click muff, click …
When It's OK To Have A Wank? My mate suddenly died with whom I played 5 a side He…
Whose Was That Pube? I went on tour but my bird couldn’t come Cos she…
Women Love a Bastard When I was a young boy this Kid Neil he pulled…
x Oh, foda-se, a gente tem que mudar Querem nos tirar a…
You Horrible Man My manager Gibbons has often been given To taking a drink…
You're a Pervert K: You hang about in gents’ bogs All dressed up in…
You're Going to Die D'yknow your hair keeps growing after you die And your nails…
Young Girl I thought you had to be 18 to get into…

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