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Doomsday I'm on my toes, till I escape Can't hesitate, I'm on…
Good You and I both know that This ain't meant to be,…
Home Twelve a.m I got these eyes on me And I'm thinking…
I'm On The Way I kinda like the way I kind of like the way We're…
Neon Lights Ainโฒt it better Late then never Empty words Won't hurt forev…
on Home
Twelve a.m I got these eyes on me
And I'm thinking about leaving soon
We've been friends since 2000 and three
But I think I might be feeling you
And I know oh, that it's not right
I should go oh, but something's different 'bout you tonight
I feel like I should take you home
I feel like I should take you, home
I feel like I should take you home (take you home)
I feel like I should take you, home
Take you home
Two a.m and I was not asleep but my clothes on your fucking floor
And no pretending like you are ignoring me
Why didn't we do this before
And I know oh, that it's not right
I should go oh, but something's different 'bout you tonight
I feel like I should take you home
I feel like I should take you, home
I feel like I should take you home
I feel like I should take you, home
I feel like I should take you home
Take you home
I feel like I should take you
I should take you home
I feel like I should take you home
I feel like I should take you home
I feel like I should take you home
I feel like I should take you home