Levante (real name Claudia Lagona) was born May 23, 1987 in Caltagirone in … Read Full Bio ↴Levante (real name Claudia Lagona) was born May 23, 1987 in Caltagirone in Catania province. Just that Catania 80s is considered the Italian Liverpool. City awash with music that gave birth to bands like Denovo Madonia Brothers and Mario Venuti. Artists then had a solo career, always with excellent quality. City that gave birth also to Carmen Consoli, coming and tied in a certain sense the same strain of music.
The music has always been the center of gravity in the life of the Levant. "I started singing as a child," says the same Sun, "like all children improvised melodies and words with their eyes to the sky ... With the same eyes pointed toward the sky, years later I found it in the music my salvation, my outlet, my diary, my freedom. "
Around to eleven Levante began writing the first word, inspired by simple melodies that could compose with the guitar. "It was really a diary for me, music and sometimes I let a few trusted family member to read it," so goes the rocker Catania, "And that's how they found me at home, that passion that perhaps he was looking for a way to present itself to the public. " It was Aunt Tiziana, hit by a lot of enthusiasm, to bring to the pounding grandson of the first test.
But in 2001, from the beloved Sicilian sky Levante had to move down to Turin, to be honest not so fragrant orange blossoms and azure as the sky of Sicily, but certainly very challenging from a musical standpoint. In Turin in fact the teenager Levante has grown musically and knew his traveling companions ... The ephemeris.
For Levante Ephemeris are the landmark musical. A little 'as the North Star for the sailors. On stage or in the recording studio with them behind Levante know that you always have the right "shot" in his performances. But the ephemeris are a lot more. In the best tradition of rock share her passion, enthusiasm, laughter, miles and sandwiches ...
The music has always been the center of gravity in the life of the Levant. "I started singing as a child," says the same Sun, "like all children improvised melodies and words with their eyes to the sky ... With the same eyes pointed toward the sky, years later I found it in the music my salvation, my outlet, my diary, my freedom. "
Around to eleven Levante began writing the first word, inspired by simple melodies that could compose with the guitar. "It was really a diary for me, music and sometimes I let a few trusted family member to read it," so goes the rocker Catania, "And that's how they found me at home, that passion that perhaps he was looking for a way to present itself to the public. " It was Aunt Tiziana, hit by a lot of enthusiasm, to bring to the pounding grandson of the first test.
But in 2001, from the beloved Sicilian sky Levante had to move down to Turin, to be honest not so fragrant orange blossoms and azure as the sky of Sicily, but certainly very challenging from a musical standpoint. In Turin in fact the teenager Levante has grown musically and knew his traveling companions ... The ephemeris.
For Levante Ephemeris are the landmark musical. A little 'as the North Star for the sailors. On stage or in the recording studio with them behind Levante know that you always have the right "shot" in his performances. But the ephemeris are a lot more. In the best tradition of rock share her passion, enthusiasm, laughter, miles and sandwiches ...
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