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Men at Work Lyrics

03. Settle Down My Boy Settle down, an eat your peas and gravy, my boy Settle…
04. Upstairs In My House No one knows what I can see and and what…
05. Helpless Automaton I stay in my room, All alone in the gloom, What need…
06. People Just Love to Play with Words I'm not tryin' to impress you with my lines They don't…
07. Be Good Johnny Skip de skip, up the road Off to school we go "Don't…
08. Touching the Untouchables Hello to you, my sweet young friends Have you got money…
09. Catch a Star Experience babe, kickin' stones and cans Experience babe, ci…
A Land Down Under Traveling in a fried-out Kombi On a hippie trail, head full…
Be Good Johhny Skip de skip, up the road Off to school we go "Don't…
Blue for You Sometimes the sun shines And I close the blinds 'Cause I can…
Catch a Star Experience babe, kickin' stones and cans Experience babe, ci…
Children Of Parade All the girls and boys have gone away They never really…
Crazy I called you up on the telephone You weren't there, you…

Down By the Sea Down by the sea I found your hidden treasure Just you and…
Down Under Traveling in a fried-out Kombi On a hippie trail, head full…
Dr. Heckyle & Mr. Jive Dr. Heckyll works late at the laboratory Where things are no…
Everking I Need Moving up and down and from side to side With so…
Giving Up If there should be the faintest traces Of you in…
Hard Luck Story Don't ask me to love my neighbor Cause I don't love…
Helpless Automation I stay in my room, All alone in the gloom, What need…
High Wire Feel so washed up today Haven't really got much to say Bloo…
How Can It Be Now Who can it be knocking at my door? Go 'way, don't…
I Can Se It In Your Eyes By your leave, I think that I'll be going now I…
I Can See It in Your Eyes By your leave, I think that I'll be going now I…
I Come From a Land Down Under Travelling in a fried-out Kombi On a hippie trail, head ful…
I Like To I like to pull the plug in the tub Sit and…
Into My Life Carpet stained with my red wine I've been staring at the…
It's a Mistake Jump down the shelters to get away The boys are cockin'…
Land Down Under Traveling in a fried-out Kombi On a hippie trail, head full…
Land Downunder Travelling in a fried-out Kombi On a hippie trail, head ful…
Man with Two Hearts Like a man who has two hearts Both of them worlds…
Maria Maria was born in the country She loved her homeland Maria w…
Men at Work_Who can be it now Who can it be knocking at my door? Go 'way, don't…
Men at Work_Who can be it now? Who can it be knocking at my door? Go 'way, don't…
Men_At_Work_-_Brazil_-_07_-_Down_Under Travelling in a fried-out Kombi On a hippie trail, head ful…
No Restrictions Give me no restrictions on what I do or say Don't…
No Sign of Yesterday Pull out the stop plugs, drain all the waste Who needs…
Overkill I can't get to sleep I think about the implications Of divin…
People Just Love to Play with Words I'm not tryin' to impress you with my lines They don't…
Sail To You Now there is this place With so much space It's at the…
See It In Your Eyes By your leave, I think that I'll be going now I…
Settle Down My Boy Settle down, an eat your peas and gravy, my boy Settle…
Shintaro Oh Tokyo, lived Shintaro Little koga ninjas tried to take hi…
Snakes And Ladders I could stand but I don't like the feeling I could…
Stay at Home Outside these, four walls lies, anarchy babe Unnatural acts …
Still Life There's a picture in the hall, I know And it's from…
The Longest Night Wind is in the east Stare at us eyes in wonder Like…
Through The Years I met a girl who wasn't quite right She wandered all…
Till The Money Runs Out Till the money runs out Till the money runs out Till the…
Touching the Untouchables Hello to you, my sweet young friends Have you got money…
Under Ground Don't take the fire from your eyes Must make them feel…
Underground Don't take the fire from your eyes Must make them feel…
Upstairs At My House No one knows what I can see And what I…
Upstairs In My House No one knows what I can see and and what…
What Can It Be Now Who can it be knocking at my door? Go 'way, don't…
When The Money Runs Out Till the money runs out Till the money runs out Till the…
Who Can It Be Who can it be knocking at my door? Go 'way, don't…
You Can Dance If You Want To We can dance if we want to We can leave your…

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