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01Niagara Falls (Foot or 2) [with Travis Scott & 21 Savage]Metro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
02Niagara Falls (Foot or 2)Metro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
03Niagara Falls (Foot or 2) (Visualizer)Metro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
06Niagara Falls (Foot or 2) (ChoppedNotSlopped)Metro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
07Niagara Falls (Foot or 2) - ChoppedNotSloppedMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
08Overdue / Don't Come Out The HouseMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
10Niagara Falls (Foot or 2) 🅴Metro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
11Overdue x Don't Come Out The HouseMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
12Overdue/Don't Come Out The HouseMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
13Niagra Falls (Foot or 2)Metro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
14Overdue + Don't Come Out The HouseMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
15Till Further Notice (with Travis Scott & 21 Savage)Metro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
17Niagara Falls (Foot or 2) [with Travis Scott & 21 Savage] - Metro…Metro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
19Heart So Cold (feat. Travis Scott & 21 Savage)Metro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
20Niagara_Falls__Foot_or_2___with_Travis_Scott___21_Savage_Metro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 SavageMetro Boomin, Travis Scott, 21 Savage
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Metro Boomin Travis Scott 21 Savage Lyrics
née-nah I took a ballerina down to the ball dance Met a…
Niagara Falls We done did so much around the law (21) I done…
Niagara_Falls__Foot_or_2___with_Travis_Scott___21_Savage_ We done did so much around the law (21) I done…