Otep is a nu metal band formed in 2000 in Los Angeles, California by Otep S… Read Full Bio ↴Otep is a nu metal band formed in 2000 in Los Angeles, California by Otep Shamaya. The band originally formed as a four-piece nu metal band and were invited to play Ozzfest before they had even signed to a label after Sharon Osbourne witnessed a brief part of their live performance. They've since played Ozzfest several times.
Otep have since released six full-length albums featuring many session musicians including Greg Wells, Joey Jordison of Slipknot, Koichi Fukuda of Static-X, Emilie Autumn, Tony Campos of Soulfly and Asesino (ex-Static-X), and Ulrich Wild. Their first three albums, Sevas Tra, House of Secrets, and The Ascension, were released on Capitol Records. However, after the label's merging with Virgin Records, Otep, along with many other bands, were released from their contracts with Capitol in 2007. Two years later, Otep signed with Victory Records and released their fourth album, Smash the Control Machine, which included a reunion with former members Mark "Moke" Bistany on drums and Rob Patterson on guitar. The album also featured Koichi Fukuda on piano and Emilie Autumn on violin.
Atavist was the first album not to feature longtime bassist Jason "eViL J" McGuire who left the band on September 30, 2010, the personnel consisted of session musicians Rani Sharone, Gil Sharone, Tony Campos, Collyn McCoy, Ulrich Wild, and Markus Estrada. On the tour supporting the album, her band consisted of support musicians courtesy of the supporting band and labelmates on the tour, Destrophy. The band is now mainly Otep Shamaya.
In 2011, Otep toured as a supporting act along with Earth Crisis for Cavalera Conspiracy. She also wrote and released a new book of poems titled "New Word Order" in December 2011.
In 2013, Otep released her sixth studio album titled Hydra on January 22 through Victory Records.
Otep have since released six full-length albums featuring many session musicians including Greg Wells, Joey Jordison of Slipknot, Koichi Fukuda of Static-X, Emilie Autumn, Tony Campos of Soulfly and Asesino (ex-Static-X), and Ulrich Wild. Their first three albums, Sevas Tra, House of Secrets, and The Ascension, were released on Capitol Records. However, after the label's merging with Virgin Records, Otep, along with many other bands, were released from their contracts with Capitol in 2007. Two years later, Otep signed with Victory Records and released their fourth album, Smash the Control Machine, which included a reunion with former members Mark "Moke" Bistany on drums and Rob Patterson on guitar. The album also featured Koichi Fukuda on piano and Emilie Autumn on violin.
Atavist was the first album not to feature longtime bassist Jason "eViL J" McGuire who left the band on September 30, 2010, the personnel consisted of session musicians Rani Sharone, Gil Sharone, Tony Campos, Collyn McCoy, Ulrich Wild, and Markus Estrada. On the tour supporting the album, her band consisted of support musicians courtesy of the supporting band and labelmates on the tour, Destrophy. The band is now mainly Otep Shamaya.
In 2011, Otep toured as a supporting act along with Earth Crisis for Cavalera Conspiracy. She also wrote and released a new book of poems titled "New Word Order" in December 2011.
In 2013, Otep released her sixth studio album titled Hydra on January 22 through Victory Records.
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- Battle Ready KUAN!! I. simple souls overload as I explode data banks 'cau…
.T.R.I.C To all you weak mcs all you hardcore wannabe'z if…
009 Suicide Trees [1] I spent my whole life In love with despair Kept m…
01 Eet the Children Hush little baby... Don't make a sound... Hush little baby…
03. Seduce & Destroy (Open wide) And when the medicine ran out And when we di…
05-Milk of Regret Was I just your surrogate? Was I your revenge? I... Have..…
06 Hooks & Splinters You fucking parasite I'll beat you til you die It hides in…
06-Noose and Nail Your God is a fossil Abandoned apostles Stand and join han…
08- Autopsy Song [intro/gutter] I once, Dreamed of a world ... Without…
12-Jonestown Tea And it sounds like... Armageddon Sounds like... Armageddon …
12-Shattered Pieces And this is how the world died And this is how…
Adrenochrome Dreams I had this dream Where I woke up To a grand…
And I Burn There is a weight Within me (And I burn) A kiss Heav…
Andrenochrome I had this dream where I woke up to a…
Apex Predator She's pounding on the door She's crawling on the floor Oh, s…
Atom to Adam Godless Lawless Stifled Bondage The grubs are fastened …
Autopsy Song [intro/gutter] I once, Dreamed of a world ... Without cons…
Baby's Breath The soft sound of snow crunching Underfoot gives me comfort.…
Battle KUAN!! I. simple souls overload as I explode data banks 'cau…
Battle Ready 04 KUAN!! I. simple souls overload as I explode data banks 'ca…
Bible Belt There are nights, so vacant and hushed, I can feel…
Blood Pigs Eye'm sorry, eye'm ugly, all that I am, and I…
Blowtorch Nightlight I've slept in the depths of the devil's bed I've risen…
Breed I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't…
Brother where do eye begin never will never see u again eye’m tra…
Buried Alive [intro] I speak in verses Prophecies & curses ....I hate my…
Buried Alive Radioedit [intro] I speak in verses Prophecies & curses ....I hat…
Communion I sold my soul So long ago Never alone Palace of madness An…
Confrontation Don't Be... Silent Fight (Violence, mêlées, & disturbances…
Crooked Spoons Take me down With there baptized drown So they say! Let's m…
Crush Shhh, it's ok I'm right here I promise I won't…
Down All my life I was told that I was evil All my…
Dreams I had this dream... Where I woke up To a grand commotion. An…
Drunk On The Blood Of Saint Lock and load Kill em all Let the lord Sort em out Fortify…
Eat The Children Hush little baby Don't make a sound Hush little baby Don'…
Eet the Children Hush little baby... Don't make a sound... Hush little baby..…
Emtee Eye remember suffering eye remember ... Feeling the sting o…
Equal Rights Equal Lefts Equal rights Equal lefts Fight for your right To exist Equa…
Exothermic Oxidation (just the end) Hi, listen um why dont you just have…
Feeding Frenzy Godless Walking up Don't give a fuck I feel your eyes on…
Feral Game What is common? What is normal? What is wrong with me? In t…
Fillthee Lying naked -- Alone On the bathroom floor Evacuating pain…
Fists Fall No more tears Stand up to your fears Keep your voices raise…
Generation Doom I can take it, I can take it, I can…
Germ The enemy of the world Our greatest defeat Slave warfare Our…
Ghostflowers And she's a killer And she's a keeper... [Verse 1] Am I blu…
God Is A Gun A wounded world, an absent creator Empty prayers fly through…
Gutter I once Dreamed of a world Without cosequences Without remind…
Hag Hag! She wants me to be just like her! Toxic!…
Head In that final look does the deer forgive the wolf? You've…
Head of Medusa In that final look does the deer forgive the wolf? You've…
Hematopia I don't recognize my life Who is this soul so weak…
hidden track I had this dream... Where I woke up To a grand commotion …
Home Grown He hurts me 'cause he cares He hurts me and it's…
Hooks & Splinters You fucking parasite I'll beat you til you die It hides in…
Hooks And Splinters You fucking parasite! I'll beat you til you die! It hide…
House of Secrets [intro] Oh no. no. let me go. [hah hehe] No. god no! Shut…
house_of_secrets [intro] Oh no. no. let me go. [hah hehe] No. god no! …
I Alone Loud and proud Loud and proud Alone, in the crowd Sometime…
I Remember Who's there? Who's there? And I remember flashes of laug…
I Stand Alone Loud and proud Loud and proud Alone, in the crowd Sometime…
In Cold Blood From my perch these mountains rise like razors Against the s…
Invisible Dress like we do, Speak like we do, Think like we do Obey..…
Jonestown Tea And it sounds like... Armageddon Sounds like... Armageddon S…
Kisses I wish I can have you here Alone In my clutches To remove th…
Lie You'll think of me When the rain comes down You'll think…
Livestock It began With a pen In my hand Stabbed In the center of chao…
Lords Of War With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding det…
March of martyrs (Suffer, suffer, suffer) You will know I will suffer So…
March of the Martyrs (Suffer, suffer, suffer) You will know I will suffer So you…
Menocide Killing me he's killing me we killing me me killing…
Milk of Regret Was I just your surrogate? Was I your revenge? I... Have... …
Molotov Yeah, I′m preaching on this one If they become violent, don'…
My Confession ... my confession Because eye'm diluted & perfectly flawed …
Necessary Accessories Everyday was the same routine Slave labor was her expertise …
Necromantic The evil that's between us The evil that's between us…
No Color I remember black mascara painting your face I remember dark …
Noose Your God is a fossil Abandoned apostles Stand and join hands…
Noose And Nails Your God is a fossil Abandoned apostles Stand and join han…
Not to Touch the Earth Wait! There's been a slaughter here. Don't stop. speak or l…
Numb & Dumb I'm tired of being tired, sick of being sick I'm tired…
Oh So Surreal (intro) i wish i didn't know what i know i wish i cou…
On The Shore I'm getting out and leaving you behind I'm so tired of…
Ostracized Spread the word, Otep has returned Now watch me go werewolf…
otep / The Lord Is My Weapon Eternal salvation suffers from INFLATION!! {1st verse} Say …
Otep- House Of Secrets [intro] Oh no. no. let me go. [hah hehe] No. god no! Shut…
otep-autopsy song [intro/gutter] I once, Dreamed of a world ... Without…
otep-Perfectly Flawed If you do this If you do this you'll never have…
Perfectly Flawed If you do this If you do this you'll never have…
Pet When you scream it sounds like a lullaby When you beg…
Possesion [Spirits come come] Sing to me my muses lost in hot…
Quarantine Alone In a world Of terrible softness Vague shadows Lazy fac…
Ready KUAN!! I. simple souls overload as I explode data banks 'cau…
Remember to Forget Hush now, close your eyes Open your mouth, swallow lies Hus…
Requiem O'great fanged mother I call upon thee Arise .. with venge…
Rise Rebel Resist Perfect little spouses In perfect little houses It's family …
Rising Behind these eyes Beneath this crown of fire Hides a…
Royals I've never seen a diamond in the flesh I cut my…
Run for Cover (intro) you have 7 more seconds to decipher your life be…
Sacrilege [Resurrection...is for those...who didn't get it right...the…
Seduce (Open wide) And when the medicine ran out And when we didn'…
Sepsis SHA NAGBA IMURRU!! ALL NAMES, ALL FORMS! Obsessed about Mo…
Serv Asat Serv asat To exterminate the plague soiling my brain I…
Shattered Pieces And this is how the world died And this is how…
Signals ()Spoken in background (You can say you love me....) I'l…
Skin of the Master A soft procession of endless hymns Swallowing bullets like s…
Smash The Contol Machine (With the perfect hair And the perfect wife And the perfect …
Special Pets When you scream, it sounds like a lullaby When you beg,…
Stay These days of rage have left their stain on me I've…
suicide [1] I spent my whole life In love with despair Kept my lun…
Sweet Tooth (i swear by my sin-loving soul i can taste your sins…
T.R.I.C To all you weak mcs all you hardcore wannabe'z if…
The Lord Is My Weapom Eternal salvation suffers from INFLATION!! {1st verse} Say …
Theophagy Feed it. Fuck it. Breed it. Eat it. Feed it. Fuck it. Breed…
Thots Nothings changed the senates still corrupt & the emporer rem…
Tortured And eye was like 13 And it was a Sunday morning…
TRIC To all you weak mcs all you hardcore wannabe'z if…
Unveiled Isis, Ishtar Hecate, Kali Isis, Ishtar Hecate, Kali …
UR A WMN NOW stars litter the sky the moon is shining high this soft,…
Voyeur He has a webcam And he likes to video himself He…
War Head WHY??! The king of lies is alive, Look around, look inside…
Warhead WHY??! The king of lies is alive, Look around, look inside .…
We Dream Like Lions We dream like lions Warm in the frost Fresh from the kill …
Where the River Ends (intro) come with me i will let you see with my words…
Wurd Becomes Flesh Can you hear them out there? Can you hear them…
You Should See Me In A Crown Bite my tongue, bide my time Wearing a warning sign Wait 'ti…
Zero I don't give a fuck You taught me to fear But all…