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Pan.Thy.Monium Lyrics

I 坐在少了你笑声的午后 空气中氧气变得好稀薄 一个人喝的白开水太浓 无法入睡梦到有你的梦 你的围巾我还抱在怀中 你的温柔还…
II Đã đến lúc ta nên nhận ra Dứt hết yêu thương…
III Get your eyes off the screen Look up to the cosmos,…
IV Ake reke Yeah, ake reke Ene ake washe boswaka Bare ke 0198, …
Untitled There was a time When just living Had seemed so simple Then …

V 欢迎回来 时间没过那么快 我从不辜负期待 So I'm back for a 4 time Hits you know…
VI Vì sao anh cứ nói với em một câu mai…
VII It'll be aight It'll be aight Aight We'll be aight Oh, na na…

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