Rabbitology is a band that self-describes their music as "a lil bit folk, a… Read Full Bio ↴Rabbitology is a band that self-describes their music as "a lil bit folk, a lil bit cosmic, a lil bit whatnot...
songs for the winged, moss-clad being that climbs through my window every blue moon and demands MUSIC." Their debut was on Soundcloud with the song "Eloria, Eloria [June Demo]." In 2023, a year after they started uploading to SoundCloud, they began publishing songs on Spotify.
songs for the winged, moss-clad being that climbs through my window every blue moon and demands MUSIC." Their debut was on Soundcloud with the song "Eloria, Eloria [June Demo]." In 2023, a year after they started uploading to SoundCloud, they began publishing songs on Spotify.
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Candleburn Baptizer, baptize her, rose water, soft daughter Rectify and…
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