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14Eaffin' and Surfin' (Theme from Rat Pfink a Boo Boo)Ron Haydock & The BoppersRon Haydock & The Boppers
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We have lyrics for these tracks by The Boppers:
All I Have to Do Is Dream Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dr…
Blue Blue Moon Bompbompabompbompabompabompabomp bompbompbompbompbompbompabo…
C'mon and Dance C´mon baby Baby c´mon c´mon baby c´mon c´mon When I heard t…
Crying In The Rain I never let you see, the way my broken heart…
Dagny Inte visste vi vad kärlek var Förr'n lilla Dagny kom till…
Danspotpurri med raketen Nu är det jul igen och nu är det jul…
Dig That Crazy Santa Claus Jingle, jangle Jingle, jangle Jingle, jangle Jingle, jangle …
Do That Boppin' Jive Do you remember the dance called the jive I remember that…
Duke Of Earl Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl Duke…
Eleonor You can′t believe how it feels when I'm cryin′ You can't…
Goodnight Sweetheart Goodnight, sweetheart well, it's time to go Goodnight, swee…
Goodnight Sweetheart Goodnight Goodnight sweetheart Well, it's time to go Goodnight sweethe…
Har fallit som en sten När jag lutar huvudet mot ditt bröst strömmar krafterna in…
Hats off to Larry Once I had a pretty girl Her name it doesn′t matter She…
Heartaches Heartaches, heartaches My loving you meant only heartaches Y…
Heaven Did the ones who made the guns and the sword Find…
Hey Baby! My baby - the look of Peggy Sue Hey honey got…
His latest flame A very old friend came by today n' he was telling…
I Fought The Law Breaking rocks in the hot sun I fought the law and…
I Surrender Walking the streets Where I used to walk with you Talking to…
I Wonder Why Dont' know why I love you like I do Don't know…
I'm in Love all over again I made a pact with myself last time Next heartbreak wouldn…
I've Got Myself a New Thing Going I got into my Chevy and head on down to…
Jag drömmer om en jul hemma Jag drömmer om en jul hemma, där vintergatan slår sin bro öv…
Jeannie's Coming Back Jeannie's coming, Jeannie's coming back tomorrow Jeannie's g…
Jingle Bell Rock Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock Jingle bells swin…
Kissing In The Moonlight Looking back to days gone by I was young my…
Little Darling Ahhhhhh Ya ya ya ya, ya ya ya ya, ya ya…
Little Town Flirt Here she comes that little town flirt You're fallin' for her…
Mr Bassman Mr. Bass Man, you've got that certain somethin' Mr. Bass Man…
My girl I want to boogie-woogie I want to see you shake that…
My Love for You She said baby its time for you and me To go…
Oh Pretty Woman Pretty woman, walkin' down the street Pretty woman the kind …
Only The Lonely Dum-dum-dum-dum-dee-du-wah Ooh-yeah-yeah-yeah-yah Oh-woh-woh…
Please Come Home for Christmas Bells will be ringing The glad, glad news Oh what a…
Poetry in Motion When I see my baby What do I see Poetry Poetry…
Por que Te Amo Tanto Uuuuuuu Mi vida yo te adooro, no puedo vivir sin ti,…
Pretty Little Angel Eyes Pretty little angel eyes Pretty little angel eyes Pretty li…
Rama Lama Ding Dong Ramalam ding dong Ramalam ding ding dong Ramalamaramalamalam…
Runaround Sue Here's my story, sad but true It's about a girl that…
She's so Fine I′ve been searching for a girl Bobby socks and a pony…
Teenager in Love Each time we have a quarrel It almost breaks my…
Tell Laura I Love Her Laura and Tommy were lovers He wanted to give her everything…
Tennessee waltz I was dancing with my darlin' To the Tennessee Waltz When an…
Under The Boardwalk Oh, when the sun beats down And burns the tar up…
Wake me up before you go go You put the boom-boom into my heart You send my soul…
When You Dance When you dance Be sure to hold her, hold her tight When…
Who Put The Bomp I'd like to thank the guy who wrote this song,…
Who put the bump I´d like to thank the guy who wrote this song,…
Why Dont' know why I love you like I do, don't…
You Embrace me, my sweet embraceable you! Embrace me, you irrep…