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The Cotones Lyrics

Dreamchild Dreamchild nestled in a small woollen blanket It’s the end o…
Drifting in the Rain On the fourth of July, we would dance through the…
How Was Your Day by the Way? In the company of friends, she keeps a dress rehearsal…
Into the Abattoir The pavement scorched my naked feet But I didn’t dare to…
Long Blue Jets I stopped myself and I looked across the sidewalk It was…

Loyalty to the Past You and me, we started off much the same way Heard…
Plastic Cars Out of my head, see the world from a bird’s…
Roll Up Roll Out A sweaty basement made of stone stays alight While it’s nigh…
The Final Cut You’re a nine to five job You're a butcher that's been…
The Party's Over Welcome to the right wing fight ring Play the game for…
Waiting to Move I was crawling away, asleep at the wheel Collapsed at the…

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