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The Dodies Lyrics

Boiling Point I'm surprised that I'm so surprised I love my TV but…
Comfort Zone I can't open my eyes Give me the rejection or an…
Falsetto She likes when I sing in falsetto Watch out I'm very…
No Silver Lining Back ache oh Lord Lower your sword Shit luck gets worse Leav…
Pussy Riot My antihero is a tragic queen Not like them bitches from…

Sell Out New paper I need some new paper To shut you up and…
Sinful Thoughts Nightmare that I had Castrated by dad Screeched a bloody scr…
Suburban Nights Dragging my feet around these boring town lights Going nowhe…
Suleyman They won't allow him to sleep at night Whispers demand he…
The Messiah Why is no one looking at me? I am the…

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