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0117. Arlo Guthrie - Coming Into Los Angeles (From the Soundtrack LP - not the version recorded at Woodstock)The Great DeceptionsThe Great Deceptions
02Mountain - Blood Of The Sun (from the Woodstock Two LP - again, this was not recorded at Woodstock)The Great DeceptionsThe Great Deceptions
03Mountain - Theme From An Imaginary Western (Woodstock Two LP - ditto. The correct version is in this set)The Great DeceptionsThe Great Deceptions
0421. Crosby Stills Nash & Young - Sea Of Madness (though the intro as it appears on the Soundtrack LP is from the festival, the actual song is taken from a show recorded at the Fillmore East in New York on September 20, 1969.The Great DeceptionsThe Great Deceptions
05Mountain - Southbound Train (from Woodstock Diary CD. This version uses the backing tracks from the festival with a re-recorded (in 1970) Leslie West vocal. I shudder to think that they erased the lead vocal from the multitrack, but it would seem so)The Great DeceptionsThe Great Deceptions
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