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The Hotelier Lyrics

-- (N 43° 59' 38.927 We sit and we talk, not of much but of little.…
Among the Wildflowers You we born on a leap year. Fill in the gaps. Spinning…
An Introduction to the Album Open the curtains. Singing birds tell me "tear the building…
An Ode to the Nite Ratz Club The gas inside the combustion engine took away all of the…
Dendron You cut your ties, felt better off. Salutations to your son.…
Discomfort Revisited You carry an illness. Practically know it by name. It seld…
End of Reel First breath following wakes of the palms pressed, brushed o…
Fear Of Good Skin, caked with sap of pine, can't catch against my roaring…
Goodness Pt. 2 When the sun rested on olive shoulders And the wind kissed…
Goodness, Pt. 2 There is a kind and immediate hushing. There is a setting…
Housebroken We called off your guard as we entered the yard to…
In Framing You fell for the first option presented of new rebirth.…
Life in Drag I tried to keep a steady hand. Tumble blocks Start again. I …

Lonely Hearts Club It's safe to say we've always been actors. From time to…
Opening Mail For My Grandmother Your grip on my forearm, insert the wrong name, Holds me…
Our Lives Would Make a Sad Boring And to the people making life from lust, abusing trust, and…
Our Lives Would Make A Sad, Boring Movie To the people making life from lust, abusing trust and the…
Piano Player Inside your room there's 40 few remaining figures of new moo…
Settle the Scar Dizzy drunk and throwing up, I finally stopped my spinning. …
Soft Animal We were cloaked in the awning of night or early…
Sun You and I'd escape the night and call it summering. I'd…
The Scope of All of This You cut our ropes, left the umbilical, and now I carry aroun…
The Scope of All of This Rebuilding You cut our ropes, left the umbilical, and now I carry aro…
Title-Track This head holds fragments of some shattered glass. They act …
Two Deliverances The icons cluttering your bureau are eyeing me as I…
Vacancy You're so old now. Your bearings are shot. You're a caved in…
Weathered You were awakened. I was never asleep. I was just drilling s…
You In This Light Feeling erodes moving like wash against the limestone leavin…
Your Deep Rest So while you're fixing up your bed So while you're organizin…

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