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They Might Be Giants Lyrics

"Welcome" Welcome to the jungle, Jim Welcome to the jungle, Jim Welc…
'85 Radio Special Thank You Hello. They Might Be Giants are happy to be on…
(She Was A) Hotel Detective She got her ear to the walls, and she tappin' the…
(She Was a) Hotel Detective (single mix) She's got her ear to the walls and she's tappin'…
... Here in Higglytown Things all jump around Just like the Hi…
01. S-E-X-X-Y Dressed only in clothes From her head to her toes This is…
02. Birdhouse In Your Soul I'm your only friend I'm not your only friend But I'm a…
02. Till My Head Falls Off There were 87 Advil in the bottle now there's 30…
03. Lucky Ball I lost my lucky ball and chain Now she's four years…
03. Lucky Ball & Chain I lost my lucky ball and chain Now she's four years…
04. Exquisite Dead Guy Exquisite dead guy Rotating in his display case Exquisite …
05. Metal Detector Down at the shore there's a place where there's no…
06. New York City You called me last night on the telephone And I was…

06. Your Racist Friend This is where the party ends I can't stand here listening…
07. Particle Man Particle man, particle man Doing the things a particle can W…
07. Your Own Worst Enemy It's your own worst enemy Ringing the bell on the door And…
08. XTC Vs. Adam Ant X-T-C versus Adam Ant Content versus form Fighting for their…
09. Spiraling Shape Down, down, down you go No way to stop As you fall,…
09. We Want A Rock Where was I? I forgot The point that I was making I…
10. James K. Polk In 1844, the Democrats were split The three nominees for the…
11. Hearing Aid Frosty the supervisor Lives by himself Sometimes I feel sorr…
11. Pet Name You gave me a pet name Which is not to say…
12. I Can Hear You I can hear you by they might be giants. Made…
12. Minimum Wage Minimum wage!…
13. The Bells Are Ringing The bells are ringing The song they're singing The sound i…
15. The Famous Polka The famous person wears the same size water skis as…
19. Stomp Box Stomp box speak my thought Vent these voices from the dark S…
1999 / Cowtown I'm going down to Cowtown, the cow's a friend to…
20. The End Of The Tour There's a girl with a crown and a scepter Who's on…
2082 Draw the curtain, look, you're only sleeping Or is this…
25 The urge to take you grows more strong For time had…
25 Here in Higglytown Here in Higglytown Things all jump around Just like the Higg…
25 O The urge to take you grows more strong For time had…
25-Here in Higglytown Here in Higglytown Things all jump around Just like the Higg…
32 Footsteps 32 footsteps leading to the room where the paint doesn't…
3rd Amendment At the bottom of the kitchen trash I found the empty…
4 of 2 Underneath a big clock at the corner of 5th Avenue…
7-11 Walked to the 7-Eleven Thought I'd do some window shopping t…
9 Secret Steps Throw away the thing that tells you Not to throw the…
A Self Called Nowhere I'm sitting on the curb By the empty parking lot Of the…
A Shooting Star Is Not a Star A shooting star is not a star It's not a star…
A Whole New World How can I tell them (how can I tell them)…
A.K.A. Driver It's just a full day's drive away It's just a full…
About Me You might be thinking that you're free You might be sailing…
Absolutely Bill's Mood I was born in a lighthouse, my mother was the…
Actual Size Words fail. Buildings tumble. The ground opens wide. Light b…
AKA Driver It's just a full day's drive away It's just a full…
Albany The Egg, exciting and old The Egg, you'll do what you're…
Alienation This song is dedicated to all you modern-day troubadours out…
All Alone Once upon a time they sent a rocket to the…
All Time What I use my outside voice because I have no choice The…
Alphabet Lost and Found On this fateful day, in the history of whenever, An epidem…
Alphabet of Nations Algeria, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Dominica, Egypt, France, The Ga…
Am I Awake Am I awake? What time is it? When I get through this…
An Insult to the Fact Checkers Hey Hats off to the things you don't say Why? So what's up…
Ana Ng Make a hole with a gun perpendicular To the name of…
Anaheim Oh, I don't want to stay in tonight and watch…
Angel I met someone at the dog show She was holding my…
Another First Kiss I'm asleep but she's talking to me She's walking 'round wear…
Answer Year after year Though every dream of a pony would end…
Ant There's an ant crawling up your back in the nighttime There'…
Apartment Four I live up in apartment four I'm on the very next…
Ape Cycle: Return From The Planet Of The Apes Escape from the 'Planet of the Apes' Well we gotta escape…
Asbury Park I I got I got kicked I got kicked in the head backstage…
Asheville Please allow me to introduce myself I'm the orange peel You …
Au Contraire David Bowie came to town Flying overhead "Don't you dig my c…
Authenticity Trip Yeah! I'm losin' my English accent Think of all the changes …
Ballad of Davy Crockett Davy, Davy Crockett Traveling through outer space Reborn in…
Bangs Bangs Above your eyes your hair hangs Blow my mind your roya…
Baroque Hoedown A bear with a honey pot stuck on its head A…
Bastard Wants To Hit Me He says, "He knows me" But I don't know that guy He's…
Battle For The Planet Of The Apes Crowd chants "people people people", and "ape ape ape" at…
Become A Robot Here's hoping you don't (hoping you don't) Become a robot (c…
Bed Bed Bed [Chorus] The day is done The sun is down The curtains have b…
Bee Of The Bird Of The Moth Everyone is crying at the dread hypnotic flying Of the bee…
Bells Are Ringing The bells are ringing The song they're singing The sound is …
Beneath The Planet Of The Apes All my friends are beneath the planet of the apes All…
Biggest One The water running down that pipe Looks like a snake to…
Bills Bills Bills I was born in a lighthouse, my mother was the…
Birdhouse in Your Soul I'm your only friend I'm not your only friend But I'm a…
Birds Fly Birds fly into my windshield Thoughts fall from my thoughts …
Black Ops Black ops Black ops A holiday for secret cops Black ops…
Bloodmobile The Bloodmobile The Bloodmobile A delivery service inside …
Boat Of Car Daddy'll sing bass Daddy'll sing bass Daddy'll sing bass Dad…
Boss of Me Yes, no, maybe I don't know Can you repeat the question? Y…
Boss of Me (Theme From Malcolm in the Middle) Yes, no, maybe - I don't know. Can you repeat the question? …
Boss Of Me Now Yes, no, maybe I don't know Can you repeat the question? Y…
Boss Of Me("Malcolm In Middle" Yes, no, maybe, I don't know Can you repeat the question? Y…
Brain Problem Situation Wake up Put on my makeup And pick the rake…
Brainwashin' Our Fighting Boys Somebody's been Brainwashin' our fighting boys Somebody's …
Brainwashing our Fighting Boys Somebody's been Brainwashin' our fighting boys Somebody's be…
Bread Hair I'm a wigged-out daddy with bread on top I dig an…
Broke In Two You said something before you left Something I was not to…
Brontosaurus it had been going so well and then I broke my…
Brooklyn The scroll unfurls We hear the voice of Marty Markowitz Now …
By the Time You Get This By the time you get this note We'll no longer be…
C Is for Conifers Most with cones for seeds Most with needles for leaves C is…
Cabbagetown I was laying on the porch As the bus drove by Just…
Cage Somebody's reading your mind Damned if you know who it is Th…
Call You Mom And we'll go out on the town Why don't you let…
Can Paper out, pencils raised One plus one is two Two plus two…
Can You Find It Can you find the hidden H where it's hiding? Is it…
Can't Keep Johnny Down Outnumbered a million to one All of the dicks in…
Canada Haunts Me Canada haunts me Don't pull back the sheet Because I have dr…
Canajoharie In the overgrowth Of the underbrush Shone a fossil tooth W…
can’t keep johnny down Outnumbered a million to one All of the dicks in…
Careful What You Pack The known, the unknown, and the underknown Look at what she…
Careless Santa Careless Santa Spoiled my Christmastime Thoughtless Santa Ho…
Cast Your Pod to the Wind Twirl, twirl, twirl, spin Extend your limbs, spin Spin, ever…
Celebration First, the DJ must power up the amplifiers. To play…
Cells Life is made out of cells Cells make copies of themselves…
Certain People I Could Name The few surviving samurai survey the battlefield Count the a…
Charlottesville Yeah! Starr Hill Music Hall Glazed with alcohol Spun from s…
Chess Piece Face What's gonna happen to chess piece face There go I but…
Choo Choo Express All passengers, this train is leaving the station Donald, Da…
Christmas Cards Every Christmas card I write Every Christmas card I write Ha…
Circular Karate Chop Never took a class before in Self defense Never looked…
Clap Your Hands Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! Cla…
Climbing The Walls I can't talk, I got to go Don't call me back,…
Cloisonné Mind your business Mind your business Mind your never-shut…
Clowntown Clowntown Clowntown Everyone here is a clown Bad clown S…
Computer Assisted Design Awwww Computer assisted design See how you get from a thoug…
Concrete and Clay You, to me Are sweet as roses in the morning You, to…
Confusing His Mind Yes, you can scare a person by confusing his mind Let's…
Conquest For The Planet Of The Apes Conquest, it's a type of quest They called it a conquest…
Contrecoup You know what's wrong with me You know phrenology You saw my…
Counterfeit Fake Hey, hey, counterfeit fake History wants you, they made a mi…
Counterfeit Faker Call out the undertaker Call out the police The counterfeit …
Courage the Cowardly Dog Eustace, Muriel, somebody's at the door. Creepy, surreal, s…
Cowtown I'm going down to Cowtown The cow's a friend to me Lives…
Critic "Every once in a while a band comes along that…
Cupid I'm shaking down cupid 'cause I'm feeling so mad Why I'd…
Cyclops Rock [Chorus:] I tell you how to cyclops rock, But then you…
D & W D, look at D Half a circle, half a moon, an…
D And W D look at D Half a circle, half a moon an…
D Is for Drums Hey John Oh, hey John What's going on? Man, I'm confused You…
Dallas Tell the moon you've seen the serpent Found the sword and…
Damn Good Times I'm not much of a natural dancer But I've got a…
Dark and Metric No taxi could take you No trains rolling by No bicycle shop,…
Darling The Dose Hamlet's dad he got it bad they sent him off stage…
Dead I returned a bag of groceries Accidentally taken off the she…
Decision Makers Decision makers Deciding for me Decision makers Decide…
Dee Dee and Dexter Dee Dee and Dexter Don't need no superpowers They've got Mom…
Destination Moon Don't bother to call this room There's nobody here who can…
Destroy the Past Let's go backwards to destroy the past How long will your…
Didn't Kill Me Though she didn't kill me She didn't make me stronger Though…
Dig My Grave Dig my grave Dig my grave Every time I look in your…
Dinner Bell I've been leaving on my things So in the morning when…
Dirt Bike Here comes the dirt bike Beware of the dirt bike Because I…
Dirtbike Here comes the dirt bike Beware of the dirt bike Because I…
Disappointing Show "This, uh, song. This song is called other show. Other…
Doctor Worm They call me Dr. Worm Good morning, how are you? I'm…
Dog Hot dog, oh no, hot dog Hot dog, hot dog, hot…
Dog Walker Showdown at the battery Showdown at the battery now Showdo…
Dollar for Dollar Dollar for dollar Invest in the past.…
Don Don't don't don't let's start This is the worst part Could b…
Doom Doom Lor Lor There's a weapon at your door And its pointed at…
Doris Cunningham I think you have another song for us. Would you…
Down To The Bottom Of The Sea Down down down Down down down Down down down Down to the bot…
Dr Worm They call me Dr. Worm Good morning how are you? I'm…
Dr. Evil Evil, evil is his one and only name Evil, in his…
Dr. Evil {From Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me} Evil, evil is his one and only name Evil, in his…
Dr. Worm They call me Dr. Worm Good morning, how are you? I'm Dr.…
Drink I'll take back my pinata it's wasted on you Just spinning…
Drown the Clown turn that distraction down time to play drown the clown here…
E Eats Everything A hardly has an appetite and pokes at food too…
Edison Museum The Edison Museum, not open to the public Its haunted tower…
Edith Head Back in High School I knew a girl Not too simple…
Eight Hundred and Thirteen Mile Car Trip Eight hundred and thirteen mile car trip Eight hundred and …
Electric Car Electric car On roads so dark To change the end Rewrite t…
Employee of the Month Got a job at the crumb factory It's my very first…
End of the Tour There's a girl with a crown and a scepter Who's on…
Erase You and I will be together When we shed our memory I…
Escape From The Planet Of The Apes Escape from the 'Planet of the Apes' Well we gotta escape…
Even Numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 Even numbers, even numbers Every other number is…
Everything Right is Wrong Everything right is wrong again Just like in the long long…
Experimental Film The color of infinity Inside an empty glass I'm squinting my…
Exquisite Dead Guy Exquisite dead guy Rotating in his display case Exquisite de…
Extra Savoir Faire When I walk down the street, most guys look like…
Fake Believe Fake-Believe, Fake-believe, Fake-believe [Repeat: x3] F is f…
Fake Out In Buenos Aires Fake out Fake in Fake it to me What is fake? Fake T.V. Land …
Fake-Believe Fake-Believe, Fake-believe, Fake-believe [Repeat: x3] F is f…
Famous Polka The famous person wears the same size water skis as…
Feast of Lights You never write, you never call And now you wander in…
Feel Good Sublet It's the feel-good sublet of the summer The leaseholder left…
Feign Amnesia Now I know just what to do Feign amnesia How I wish…
Fibber Island Here on Fibber Island We strum rubber guitars. Our friends l…
Figure Eight Round, can you go around? And if you can turn around…
Fingertips Everything is catching Yes, everything is catching on fire (…
Fingertips 1 Everything is catching Yes, everything is catching on fire E…
Finished with Lies Now I'm telling the truth I'm finished with lies, lies If yo…
First Kiss The morning Alarm rings I'm asleep but she's talking to…
Flying V Flying V If you're standing underneath it, you will see when…
For Science There has been a spacecraft sighted Flying high above the sk…
Four of Two Underneath a big clock at the corner of 5th Avenue…
Fun Assassin You to me Like a magnet to a flame Like a mirror…
Getting Sentimental Over You Never thought I'd fall, But now I hear love call, I'm gettin…
Glasgow T-H-E-G-A-R-A-G-E T-H-E-G-A-R-A-G-E Garage Garage Garage Ga…
Go for G! Gorillas in the jungle Gazelles out in the field Goats are i…
Good to Be Alive Hello mind It's good to be awake again Spend some time ref…
Goodnight Goodnight, my friends Goodnight, my friends Sweetdreams fro…
Greasy Kid Stuff I've got the hairdo of a child It's so unruly It…
Great Great, great, hey, Dave If you have a hundred Dollars, I can…
Greek Mono dyo tragoudia eho kai trito molis vgei De ksero pou…
Groceries Juices, muffins, pasta and cheese Milk and biscuits and cock…
Guitar Hey, Who's that playing? Hey, The guitar? Is it Jim? I don't…
H ere in Higglytown Here in Higglytown Things all jump around Just like the Hi…
Hall Of Heads Here in the hall of heads You look through the keyhole This…
Happy Doesn't Have To Have An Ending Hip hip hippy hippy me today Happy hippy hippy me…
Haunted Floating Eye I can't hang out with the haunted eye Though I don't…
Havalina Havalina Havalina Havalina Havalina Walking in the bre…
Hearing Aid Frosty the supervisor Lives by himself Sometimes I feel sorr…
Heart Of The Band Four, three, two, one, go We all like to play in…
Hell Hotel Salutations paint his karma, Bend joints in fighting words …
Hello Radio Hello Hello Hello…
Here Come the 123's They Might Be Giants Here come the 123s One, two, three…
Here Come the ABCs They Might Be Giants Here come the ABCs A be see…
Here Comes Science Ready or not Here Comes Science They Might Be Giants Here …
Here Comes the ABCs They Might Be Giants Here Come The ABCs! (Children) A! be …
Here in Higglytown Here in Higglytown Things all jump around Just like the Higg…
Here in Higglytown {theme to Playhouse Disney's Higglytown Heroes} Here in Higglytown Things all jump around Just like the Hi…
Hey Everybody Hey Everybody, Look my way! Hey Everybody, Go away! Please …
Hey Mr DJ I Thought You Said We Had A Deal I could never sleep my way to the top 'Cause my…
Hey Mr. DJ I could never sleep my way to the top 'Cause my…
Hey Mr. DJ I Though You Said I could never sleep my way to the top 'Cause my…
Hey Mr. DJ I Thought You Said We Had a Deal I could never sleep my way to the top 'Cause my…
Hi Everybody Hey Everybody, Look my way! Hey Everybody, Go away! Please …
Hi Honey I'm Home Hi, honey, I'm home Hi, honey, I'm home How was your day? …
Hi Honey, I'm Home Hi, honey, I'm home Hi, honey, I'm home How was your day? Ho…
Hi we're the Replacements Hi, we're the Replacements (hi) Hi, we're the Replacements (…
Hi We're They Might Be Giants Hang on Hang on tight They might be giants (boy) They might…
Hidden #7 This Ape's For You This ape's for you He's coming at cha This ape's for you He…
Hide Away Folk Family Hide away folk family Or else someone's gonna get ya (Someon…
Higglytown Heroes Theme Here in Higglytown Things all jump around Just like the Higg…
High Five! High five! Low five! Slap me five! Down low! Too slow! …
Hive Mind Hive mind Hive mind…
hiya Hiya, hiya, hiya, hi Don't be so jaded I'm quite sincere Th…
Homunculus Homunculus is by your side Ungrateful now and he's losing yo…
Hope That I Get Old Before I Die Sometimes I feel like being wispy And once in a while…
Hope That I Get Old Before I Die %01 Cage and Aquarium Medley Sometimes I feel like being wispy And once in a while…
Hopeless Bleak Despair I never knew what everybody meant By endless, hopeless, ble…
Hopeless Bleak Dispair I never knew what everybody meant By endless, hopeless, blea…
Hot Cha Hot Cha, where are you? Everybody's eyes are closed I can't …
Hot Dog! Hot dog, oh no, hot dog Hot dog, hot dog, hot…
Hotel Detective She's got her ear to the walls and she's tappin'…
Hotel Detective In The Future She was a hotel detective in the future (future, future,…
Hovering Sombrero Hey, hovering sombrero, Gently waving in the air above the m…
How Can I Sing Like a Girl Birds are calling to sing along But my window's painted shu…
How Many Planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars Asteroid Belt Ceres Pallas Vesta A…
How Many Planets? Mercury Venus Earth Mars Asteroid Belt Ceres Pallas …
How Much Cake Can You Eat The shining spoons of this town All point in your direction …
Hypnotist Of Ladies He's a hypnotist, hypnotist of ladies He's a hypnotist, hypn…
I I Palindrome I Born on the 5th of July One door shut,…
I Am A Grocery Bag Juices, muffins, pasta and cheese Milk and biscuits and coc…
I Am a Human Head I'm a human head And my best friend is also a…
I Am a Paleontologist I love diggin' in the dirt With just a pick and…
I Am A Ring I love diggin' in the dirt With just a pick and…
I Am Alone Am I awake? What time is it? When I get through this…
I Am Not Your Broom Now broom you must now sweep for me the dust…
I Am The Biggest One The water running down that pipe Looks like a snake to…
i be an retarded No more mister nice guy I love the dead I've been thinking…
I Blame You Ten miles from nowhere There's a story that's true About a f…
I Broke My Own Rule Everything's wrecked, everything is wrecked Smashed up, dest…
I C U Urnx Urnx, ni, imnx Ictv Ictv, nicu Icu, icu, nurok Urnx Urn…
I Can Add Paper out, pencils raised One plus one is two Two plus two…
I Can Hear You I can hear you by they might be giants. Made…
I Can't Hide I've got my house surrounded I know I'm in there Come out…
I Can't Remember the Dream I can't remember the dream that I had last night But…
I Hear A New World How can I tell them (how can I tell them) What's…
I Hope That I Get Old Before I Die Sometimes I feel like being wispy And once in a while…
I Left My Body I left my body And I went on a journey And I…
I Like Fun Impatiently I wait to refill my prescription And count the t…
I Lost Thursday I lost Thursday I had it somewhere Don't say it's where I…
I Love to Sing Birds are calling to sing along But my window's painted shut…
I Might Be Giants Hang on Hang on tight They might be giants (boy) They might…
I Need Some Lovin' I need some lovin' Some turtle-dovin' To dry the ocean Of te…
I Palindrome I Someday mother will die and I'll get the money Mom leans…
I Should Be Allowed To Think I saw the best minds of my generation Destroyed by madness,…
I Walk Along Darkened Corridors I walk along darkened corridors, and I walk along darkened…
I Wasn't Listening If I wasn't shy If I wasn't shy I'd burn all the…
I'll Sink Manhattan I'll sink Manhattan Right under the sea I'll find the swee…
I'm All You Can Think About Do you recall someone you haven't thought about in a…
I'm Def Can we do that? Can we do that? I'm def I'm def I'm def I'm…
I'm Gettin' Sentimental Over You Never thought I'd fall But now I hear the call I'm getting…
I'm Getting Sentimental Over You Never thought I'd fall, But now I hear love call, I'm gettin…
I'm Impressed I'm impressed, I'm impressed When that gorilla beats his che…
I'm Not A Loser Now broom you must now sweep for me the dust…
I'm Sick Screw kid I got nothing to say Quit bugging me, go…
I'm Your Boyfriend Now Early one day I got up the strength To call you on…
I've Been Seeing Things I've been seeing things, I've been seeing things don't have …
I've Got a Fang Glistening white triangular tooth, Open up a can of tomato j…
I've Got A Match Get out of the car Put down the phone Take off that…
Icky Everybody saying "Who's that icky guy?" I'd like to get to…
If Day for Winnipeg whoever cared about topical things? but now that this day ha…
If I Wasn If I wasn't shy If I wasn't shy I'd burn all the…
Impossible Well, they said I was impossible Yes, they said I…
In Fact I'm a mess Even at my best I'm dismantling my…
In The Middle Don't cross the street In the middle In the middle In the mi…
In the Middle, in the Middle, in the Middle Don't cross the street in the middle in the middle In…
Indiana Wants Me Part of you wants to believe me, but part of…
Infinity I can count up to five, I can count to…
Insect Hospital Walking down to the Insect Hospital To set the insects free …
Instanbul (not Constantinople) Istanbul was Constantinople Now it's Istanbul, not Constanti…
Intro "Every once in a while a band comes along that…
Introduction Have you ever tried to make a brand new start? It's…
Istambul not Constantinople Istanbul was Constantinople Now it's Istanbul, not Constanti…
Istanbul / Kiss Me Son Of God I built a little empire out of some crazy garbage Called…
Istanbul Not Constantinople Istanbul was Constantinople Now it's Istanbul, not Constanti…
It Well the rain falls down without my help I'm afraid And…
It's Kickin in It's kickin' in, yeah! It's kickin' in, yeah! It's kickin' i…
It's Not My Birthday Well the rain falls down without my help I'm afraid And…
It's Spare the Rock Prepare to rock Don't spare the rock now Bill Ella Sometime…
Its Kicking In It's kickin' in, yeah! It's kickin' in, yeah! It's kickin' i…
It’s Not My Birthday Well the rain falls down without my help I'm afraid And…
I’ll Sink Manhattan I'll sink Manhattan Right under the sea I'll find the sweete…
I’m All You Can Think About Do you recall someone you haven't thought about in a…
I’m Impressed I'm impressed, I'm impressed When that gorilla beats his che…
I’m Your Boyfriend Now Early one day I got up the strength To call you on…
I’ve Got a Fang Glistening white triangular tooth Open up a can of tomato ju…
James K. Polk In 1844, the Democrats were split The three nominees for the…
John Lee Supertaster Flans, When I was 39 years old, I heard a…
John Lee Supertaster (Live) Flans: When I was 39 years old, I heard a…
Judy Is Your Viet Nam You met Judy in the 90s She threw parties for magazines For…
Kendra McCormick Kendra McCormick No longer lives in this dorm Kendra McCor…
Kiss Me I built a little empire out of some crazy garbage Called…
Kitten Intro There's something coming. There's a new car on the horizon.…
L M N O Hello children, it's time for an important lesson with Profe…
Lady Is A Tramp Yeah Yeah Tramp…
Lake Monsters Lake monsters of the USA From Cape Cod, to Massachusetts All…
Larger Than Life No it is Ah, must have been our crew Miss Linda and…
Last Wave Saw that in a movie I just fixed up the cellar Half…
Lazy Head And Sleepy Bones Lazy Head and Sleepy Bones Always disagree Though everybod…
Less Than One I got about six percent of the burrito in my…
Let Your Hair Hang Down Let your hair hang down It is now the time To untie…
Let's Get This over With The drumbeat never changes tempo It's steady like a rock And…
Letter / Not a Letter What's that? That is a letter What is that? That's not a let…
Letterbox I'll never know what you'll find When you open up your…
Lie Still Lie still, little bottle, and shake my shaky hand Black coff…
Live In Nashville Hangin' out While the monkeys type away Waiting in my…
Living Doll If you had such a checkered past Then how come you're…
London I'm on the next plane to london Leaving on runway number…
Lord Snowdon I'm on the outside looking out all these faces it's a museum…
Los Angeles There's a band that's living in LA But they never get…
Lost My Mind Lost my mind Left somewhere behind Must've been in amongst T…
Love Is Eternity Dan and Lisa, hi We kind of know you guys But you…
Lucky Ball & Chain I lost my lucky ball and chain Now she's four years…
Lucky Ball and Chain I lost my lucky ball and chain Now she's four years…
Lullaby to Nightmares Have you ever seen a bloody egg? Glass in hand, lying…
MacGyver We're gettin' mental with it We're all MacGyver on it It's…
Maine Relaxing on my* hands and knees Relaxing on my* face Reclini…
Mainstream U. S. A Can I have this last dance, my darling? Can I have…
Mammal Standing in between extinction in the cold And explosive rad…
Man My man Muscles from hand to foot Completely coated in uninte…
Man It's So Loud In Here They fixed up the corner store like it was a…
Man, It's So Loud in Here (Man, it's so loud in here) They fixed up the corner…
Man... It's So Loud in Here They fixed up the corner store like it was a…
Marty Beller Mask I'm steaming up the inside Of my Marty Beller mask 'Cause…
Maybe I Know Maybe I know that she's been a-cheating Maybe I know that…
Mccafferty's Bib If only there were some way to shut out All this…
Meet James Ensor Meet James Ensor Belgium's famous painter Dig him up and sha…
Meet The Elements Iron is a metal, you see it every day Oxygen, eventually,…
Memo To Human Resources I'll be in the back, and I don't need the…
Memphis Two, three, four I died and went to heaven and the…
Metal Detector Down at the shore there's a place where there's no…
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme Mis-ka, Mou-ska Mickey Mouse! M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E (that's…
Microphone I keep talking to the microphone The microphone, the microp…
Minimum Wage Minimum wage!…
Mink Car It's knocking off My diamond wig Knocking me down Into the p…
Minneapolis Just before we got up here All the guys were having…
Money For Dope Walking stick Lobster shell Cellophane Acid bath Legal pad N…
Monster Lake monsters of the USA From Cape Cod, to Massachusetts All…
Monsters of Mud Monsters of mud, covered in mud (made of mud) Monsters of…
Moonbeam Rays (One, two, three, four) By the time you hear this, it…
Morgan In The Morning 1...2... Morgan In The Morning Taking it to the bridge…
Morgan In The Morning ID 1...2... Morgan In The Morning Taking it to the bridge Morg…
Mountain Flowers Do you notice something different? Look at all the mountain…
Moving to the Sun While they were staring at the Citgo sign Is when they…
Mr Xcitement Cafe con pan, cafe con pan, Rock on my hubba, the…
Mr. Klaw A claw is a claw And, and, and nobody has seen…
Mr. Me Once a boy named Mister Me bemoaned a great regret I've…
Mr. Xcitement Cafe con pan, cafe con pan, Rock on my hubba, the…
Mrs. Bluebeard I want to say I learned something valuable today Alas, my…
Mrs. Cinderella Mrs. cinderella Please don't pound on my chest I can not see…
Mrs. Train I don't want to be first in line to see…
Museum Of Idiots They built this whole neighborhood out of wood, out of…
My Brother The Ape Well, I got the invitation That you sent to everyone And I…
My Evil Twin My evil twin, bad weather friend He always wants to start…
My Man My man Muscles from hand to foot Completely coated in uninte…
My Other Phone is a Boom Car My other phone is a boom car My other mike is…
Mystery Track I like the bubbles (radio scanning noise) Always Coca-Cola A…
N Hello children, it's time for an important lesson with Profe…
Name You gave me a pet name Which is not to say…
Nanobots (Grow the nanobots up) Grow the nanobots up (Grow them in …
Narrow Your Eyes I don't want to change your mind I don't want to…
Never Knew Love I never knew love could be like this I never…
New York City You called me last night on the telephone And I was…
Next Plane To London I'm on the next plane to london Leaving on runway number…
Nightgown of the Sullen Moon Fell in the door And you fell on the floor With your…
Nina Her burden of things walking out Her burden of things walkin…
Nine Bowls of Soup Nine bowls of soup are balanced on the end of…
No No is no No is always no If they say no, it…
No One Knows My Plan In my prison cell I think these words I was careless I…
No! No is no No is always no If they say no, it…
Nonagon Everybody at the party is a many sided polygon When a…
Nothing All the people are so happy now, their heads are…
Nouns Everywhere around this burg They're running out of verbs Adv…
Now I Know Now I know Why they said not to cut the blue…
Now Is Strange Have you seen that naughty boy Who steals each blade of…
Now That I Have Everything The mirror on the wall Won't talk to me at all Now…
Number Three There's only two songs in me and I just wrote…
Number Two If you need a friend, you know what to do You…
N� Hello children, it's time for an important lesson with Profe…
O Do Not Forsake Me Oh, do not forsake me, my indolent friends Oh, do not…
O Tannenbaum O tannenbaum, o tannenbaum Wie treu sind deine blätte Do grü…
Ô Tannenbaum O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum Wie treu sind deine Blätter Du gr…
O We O we o we o we O we o we…
Oh You Did Why did you grow a beard? Why did you grow…
Old Pine Box They tried the handcuffs but they won't lock Electrical cour…
Older You're older than you've ever been. And now you're even olde…
Omnicorn Omnicorn Like no other creature ever born On its head is eve…
On Earth My Nina Her burden of things walking out Her burden of things walki…
On The Drag You're only happy when you're sad You're top fueled and you…
Ondine Ondine You won All she left behind was an unloaded gun An…
One Dozen Monkeys I am a girl, I'm eleven years old That's one more…
One Everything There's only one everything Remember these words There's onl…
One More Parade Hup, two, three, four, marching down the street Rollin' of t…
Ooh La! Ooh La! Ooh la! Ooh la! Ooh la! Ooh la! It's the Double Dutch Ooh…
Operators Are Standing By Smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee Bounce their shoes at…
Oranges Oranges, oranges, Oranges and graphic design. The chopping b…
Oranges Testimonial Hey, this is john of they might be giants. You…
Other Father Song Making up a song about Coraline She's a peach, she's a…
Out Of Jail Long before the screen door slammed, she was out of…
Outboard Part of Man I'm an outboard part of man and I'm a bread boy…
Part of You Wants to Believe Me Part of you wants to believe me, but part of…
Particle Man Particle man, particle man Doing the things a particle can W…
Particle Man Live At XM Particle man, particle man Doing the things a particle can …
Pencil Rain The possible dream Finale of seem The moment that some call …
Pet Name You gave me a pet name Which is not to say…
Photosynthesis Photosynthesis Photosynthesis Photosynthesis Photosynthesis…
Pictures Of Panda Pictures Of Pandas Painting [Repeat: x3] Pictures Of Pandas…
Pictures of Pandas Painting Pictures of pandas painting Pictures of pandas painting Pict…
Piece Of Dirt Piece of dirt, that is all I'm standing on today Piece…
Pirate Girls Nine Listen children, hear this story That will take you around t…
Pittsburgh We are the guests of Mr. Smalls He's somewhere watching us T…
Planet of the Apes Conquest, it's a type of quest They called it a conquest…
Polk In 1844, the Democrats were split The three nominees for the…
Power of Dial‐a‐Song My friends don't understand why I spend my days by the…
Prevenge Can you tell that I'm planning prevenge? Read my mind, yes,…
Protagonist She stole my daydreams She stole my air guitar "Exterior.…
Puppet Head As your body floats down Third Street With the burn-smell fa…
Purple Toupee I remember the year I went to camp I heard about…
Push Back the Hands You would give up your right arm to go back To…
Put It To The Test If there's a question bothering your brain That you think y…
Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head As your body floats down Third Street With the burn-smell fa…
Put Your Hand On The Computer Put your hand on the computer Doesn't that feel better…
Q U Q you Q you Q you, they're often a pair Make kw sounds…
Quit the Circus I'll blink once for no I'll blink twice for no you hijack…
Rabid Child Lord, please don't take me away. Rabid child stays at home,…
Racist Friend This is where the party ends I can't stand here listening…
Radio They Might Be Giants Hang on Hang on tight They might be giants (boy) They might…
Radio They Might Be Giants 1 Radio They Might Be Giants on…
Radio They Might Be Giants 2 You wore a feather in your hair Listening to Radio They…
Radio They Might Be Giants 3 You're listening to the sound Of Radio They Might Be Giants…
Raleigh Na na na na na na The Lincoln Theater Na na na…
Rat Patrol Moths beat on the windowpane Telling me I'm not the same Sou…
Read a Book How fast is the speed of light? I don't know, did…
Renew My Subscription Though I don't write a whole lot of letters I figured…
Replicant Doot doot doot doot Doot doot doot doot doot doot doot doo…
Reprehensible Each night I lie awake Completely alone A voice is calling…
Rest Awhile I got rid of my jackets and coats I threw out…
Return To The Planet Of The Apes Cornellius, Cornellius, I miss you ape I miss you ape I mi…
Rhythm Section Want Ad In a world we call our home there's lots of…
Road Movie to Berlin We're in a road movie to Berlin Can't drive out the…
Robot Parade I've been working hard, trying to sing and play guitar. Grow…
Robot Parade (adult version) In a future time Children will work together To build a gian…
Rock Club We love all the people And we love to rock the…
Rocket Ship Here I sit, feeling low Wishing I had anywhere to go Want…
Rotary Club We love all the people And we love to rock the…
Roy G. Biv R is for red O is for orange Y is for yellow And…
S-E-X-X-Y Dressed only in clothes From her head to her toes This is…
Santa Once a year my friend puts on a red suit And…
Santa Claus Yeah, Santa Claus, where have you been? I've been waiting h…
Santa's Beard Once a year my friend puts on a red suit And…
Santa’s Beard Once a year my friend puts on a red suit And…
Sapphire Bullets of Pure Love Pistol shots Gun shots Pistol shots Gun shots Bullets from …
Schoolchildren Singing "Particle Man" Particle man, particle man Doing the things a particle can …
Science Is Real Science is real From the Big Bang to DNA Science is real …
Scott Bower Scott Bower, Scott Bower My lifestyle determines my deathsty…
See The Constellation I lay my head on the railroad track Stare at the…
SenSurround When I was only a zygote I still remember the time When…
Seven Oh, there's the doorbell Let's see who's out there Oh, it's …
Seven Days Of The Week Oh no, no, I never go to work Oh no, no,…
Shadow Government Driving home from my mad lab Realized something had changed …
She Words fail Buildings tumble The ground opens wide Light beam…
She Thinks She's Edith Head Back in High School I knew a girl Not too simple…
She Was a Hotel Detective Nighttime lady She says maybe In the all-night Laundromat Wa…
She's Actual Size Words fail Buildings tumble The ground opens wide Light beam…
She's An Angel I met someone at the dog show She was holding my…
She’s Actual Size Words fail Buildings tumble The ground opens wide Light beam…
She’s An Angel I met someone at the dog show She was holding my…
Shoehorn With Teeth He wants a shoehorn, the kind with teeth People should get…
Siftin' Siftin' Siftin' Siftin' Siftin' Siftin' Siftin' Sift…
Sketchy Galore And he looks down, down, down, down And he looks down,…
Skullivan When the Skullivan walks in the moonlit night Oh when…
Sleep Each (ahh) Time (ahh) I (ahh) Sleep (ahh) I'm (ahh) Sad…
Sleeping in the Flowers I got a crush Copy shop clerk But she won't look up…
Sleepwalkers See them over there See them moving down the road Their arms…
Snail Dust Do it! Do it! Sir hand Or is it ma'am I fell out of…
Snail Shell Sir hand Or is it ma'am I fell out of my right…
Snowball In Hell Avalanche or roadblock I was a snowball in hell Avalanche or…
Solid Liquid Gas Solid, Liquid, Gas Solid, Liquid, Gas Ice is a solid Water…
Somebody Took My Eyeball Somebody took my eye Somebody took my eye Somebody Someone S…
Somebody's Body If you had such a checkered past Then how come…
Someone Keeps Moving My Chair Mr. Horrible Mr. Horrible Telephone call for Mr. Horrible …
Sometimes a Lonely Way Not everyone you've abandoned Is still standing by Not eve…
Space Suit instrumental…
Spare the Rock Prepare to rock Don't spare the rock now Bill Ella Sometime…
Speed and Velocity When I'm on an airplane And we're on a runway Ready to…
Spider Ladies and gentlemen Ladies and gentlemen Spider He is our …
Spine I've been dragging my feet across my back And I've been…
Spiraling Shape Down, down, down you go No way to stop As you fall,…
Spoiler Alert (Flansburgh) This truck is driving out of my mind But this…
Spy I see you from my spy plane, baby I see you…
Stalk Of Wheat I went for a walk on a stalk, on a…
Stand On Your Own Head I like people, they're the ones who can't stand They're the…
Statue Got Me High The statue got me high The statue got me high The monument…
Stomp Box Stomp box speak my thought Vent these voices from the dark S…
Stone Cold Coup d'Etat The stars got together and extinguished the moon and sun An…
Stormy Pinkness Stormy pinkness, human weakness Fills my johnny cup with glo…
Stormy Pinkness (Live In Berlin Stormy pinkness, human weakness Fills my johnny cup with gl…
Stuff Is Way Did you just what? Is what you yes? Did you whatever, whatev…
Subliminal As I got hit by a car there was a…
Summer Breeze In a summer house out on Cape Cod A number of…
Super Cool When you come around I hide my face in hyperspace When…
Swing Is A Word Who can snap my fingers? Nobody can, nobody can Where's my c…
Synopsis for Latecomers For everyone who only just arrived a quick synopsis: if you …
S‐E‐X‐X‐Y Dressed only in clothes From her head to her toes This is…
T-H-E-G-A-R-A-G-E R is for red O is for orange Y is for yellow And…
Take Out The Trash Girl! Why not take out the trash? And once you get…
Taste the Fame We know there is a world of camps We know you…
Ten Mississippi Counting the seconds while singing the Mississippi's One Mis…
Tesla Tesla Brought the X-ray photo to the world Brought the…
Thank You's Don't don't don't let's start, this is the worst part Could…
Thanks Hello. They Might Be Giants are happy to be on…
The Army Is Tired Now The army's tired now, Tired of swinging its giant arms The a…
The Ballad Of Davy Crockett Davy, Davy Crockett Traveling through outer space Reborn in…
The Bells Are Ringing The bells are ringing The song they're singing The sound i…
The Big Big Whoredom Come on baby Turn that frown upside down Tell me why you…
The Biggest One The water running down that pipe Looks like a snake to…
The Bloodmobile The Bloodmobile The Bloodmobile A delivery service inside us…
The Bright Side The bright side is blinding our eyes And the sound keeps…
The Cap'm Do you think there's somebody out there Someone else who's …
The Communists Have the Music I got handed an Ayn Rand sandwich Straight from the can,…
The Darlings of Lumberland Yes, it's the darlings of Lumberland Their voices are the ec…
The Day The day Marvin Gaye and Phil Ochs got married The trees…
The Edison Museum The Edison Museum, not open to the public Its haunted towers…
The End of the Tour There's a girl with a crown and a scepter Who's on…
The Famous Polka The famous person wears the same size water skis as…
The Fellowship Of Hell All your friends are kleptomaniacs They steal your concentra…
The Greatest They call me the greatest 'Cause I'm not very good And they'…
The Guitar Hey, Who's that playing? Hey, The guitar? Is it Jim? I don't…
The House at the Top of the Tree There's a house at the top of a tree There's a…
The Lady and the Tiger The lady said to the tiger, As they stood behind…
The Lion Sleeps Tonight Hey, Who's that playing? Hey, The guitar? Is it Jim? I d…
The Long Grift Look what you've done, You gigolo. You know that I loved you…
The Mesopotamians We've been driving around From one end of this town to…
The Mexican Drill We're surrounded by bones In a catacomb Projector by my si…
The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme Mis-ka, Mou-ska Mickey Mouse! M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E (that's…
The Power of Dial-a-Song My friends don't understand why I spend my days by the…
The Secret Life Of Six The secret life of six Means having fun When everyone's insi…
The Shadow Government Driving home from my mad lab Realized something had changed …
The Spine Surfs Alone Oh look out now Just between the shoulders Here it comes --…
The Spine/Memo to Human Resources I'll be in the back, and I don't need the…
The Statue Got Me High The statue got me high The statue got me high The monument…
The Summer Breeze In a summer house out on cape cod A number of…
The Sun The sun is mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear…
The The Ballad Of Davy Crockett Davy, Davy Crockett Traveling through outer space Reborn in…
The Truth in Your Words Erstwhile and estranged I know I'm one in a long chain I…
The Vowel Family A I why, O E you We're the vowel family, and…
The Wave Saw that in a movie I just fixed up the cellar Half…
The World Before Later On I'm trapped in a world before later on, I'm trapped in…
The World's Address I know you deceived me, couldn't sleep last night Now my…
The World's Address (Joshua Fried remix) Buddy, you wanna give me a 10-9 on this thing…
The Worlds Address I know you deceived me, couldn't sleep last night Now my…
The Writing's On The Wall Half the boy and nothing else Put me in the driver's…
Theme From Flood Why is the world in love again? Why are we marching…
There There's a new song every hour On they might be giants…
There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow There's a great big beautiful tomorrow Shining at the end of…
There's a New Song Every Hour There's a new song every hour On they might be giants…
Thermostat When the hands that operate the motor lose control of…
They Got Lost Julie at the station says They'll be here any minute…
They Might Be Giants Hang on Hang on tight They might be giants (boy) They might…
They'll Need A Crane Love sees love's happiness But happiness can't see that love…
They'll Need A Crime Love sees love's happiness But happiness can't see that lov…
Theyll Need A Crane Love sees love's happiness But happiness can't see that love…
They’ll Need a Crane Love sees love's happiness But happiness can't see that lov…
Thinking Machine Tape has brightening arm connect. Wait that didn′t make sens…
This Ape's for You This ape's for you He's coming at cha This ape's for you He…
This Ape’s For You This ape's for you He's coming at cha This ape's for you …
This Microphone Selflessly hiding all emotions inside Chilly and dry, New En…
Three Might Be Duende The monochrome martinet His texture is starch This song is…
Through Being Cool We're through being cool We're through being cool Eliminat…
Thunderbird I know, I know, I said that I would quit All…
Tick If it wasn't for that tick We would not be in…
Tigerella She's rippin' strips of flesh from the prey beneath her…
Till My Head Falls Off There were 87 Advil in the bottle now there's 30…
Tiny Doctors I'm never sad anymore since the day I found out…
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too Oh, who had heard the great commotion, motion, motion, All …
Toddler Hi-Way In the mornin' sun 'round seven o'clock The parking lot fill…
Toddler Hiway In the mornin' sun 'round seven o'clock The parking lot fil…
Token Back to Brooklyn The token back to Brooklyn fell between the grating And we'…
Too Cool Girls Oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh Fall in…
Too Tall Girl Oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh Fall in…
Towson When you head out tonight in your quest For excellence in…
Triops Has Three Eyes Rabbits have two eyes And whales have two eyes And eagles ha…
Truth in Your Words Erstwhile and estranged I know I'm one in a long chain I…
Tubthumping We'll be singin' When we're winnin' We'll be singin' I …
Turn Around I was working all night in my office When a man…
Twisting She set your goldfish free And now she's sighing Blew out yo…
Ultimate Battle For The Planet Of The Apes Crowd chants "people people people", and "ape ape ape" at…
Underwater Woman Underwater woman Underwater lady No one on the shore will …
Unforgotten Don't have to be Your only one Don't have to be Something fr…
Unrelated Thing Do you smile 'cause I'm funny? said the man I wasn't…
Until My Head Falls Off There were 87 Advil in the bottle now there's 30…
Upside Down Frown You say you've got some very excellent news You say I'm…
Vancouver She's a different kind of girl The kind you see in…
Variety Playhouse Freak-In Here in Higglytown Things all jump around Just like the Higg…
Vestibule Vestibule Locked inside It was an accident Now I'm locked…
Violin Violin-lin-lin, violin-lin-lin, violin-lin-lin Violin-lin-li…
Wait Actually Yeah No on a south sea islandwait actually yeah no in the doctor's…
Wake Up Call Bo bo do bo bo bo bo bo bo Bo bo…
Waves Saw that in a movie I just fixed up the cellar Half…
We Just Go Nuts At Christmas Time Up the driveway, down the walk Oh, janet's hair is like…
We Live In a Dump Hangin' out While the monkeys type away Waiting in my room…
We Want a Rock Where was I? I forgot The point that I was making I…
We're The Replacements Hi, we're the Replacements (hi) Hi, we're the Replacements …
Wearing A Raincoat Wearing a raincoat is flying around in a plane Made of…
Weep Day I never went to the tropical island Though everybody said t…
Welcome to the Jungle Welcome to the jungle, Jim Welcome to the jungle, Jim Welcom…
We’re the Replacements Hi, we're the Replacements (hi) Hi, we're the Replacements …
What Is A Shooting Star A shooting star is not a star It's not a star…
What's That Blue Thing Doing Here? What's That Blue Thing Doing Here?…
When It Rains It Snows There's a knock at the door that I adore There's a…
When the Light Comes On I'll make a reckless prediction I'll still be in the kitchen…
When Tornadoes Take Over the World When tornadoes take over the world There'll be no time for…
When Will You Die I'm so tired Of your lies And the evil things You're doing b…
Where Do They Make Balloons Marmalade's from Scotland Rugs from Pakistan Mexico has jump…
Where You Eyes Don't Go Where your eyes don't go a filthy scarecrow waves its…
Which Describes How You're Feeling Which describes how you're feeling all the time Which descri…
Whirlpool Welcome to the jungle, Jim Welcome to the jungle, Jim Welc…
Whistling in the Dark A woman came up to me and said "I'd like to…
Who Put the Alphabet in Alphabetical Order All right! Back in ancient times You know that things then…
Who Put the Alphabet in Alphabetical Order? All right! Back in ancient times You know that things then w…
Why Did You Grow a Beard Why did you grow a beard? Why did you grow…
Why Did You Grow a Beard? Why did you grow a beard? Why did you grow a…
Why Does The Shine The sun is mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear…
Why Does The Shine ? The sun is a miasma Of incandescent plasma The sun's not s…
Why Does The Sun Really Shine? The sun is a miasma Of incandescent plasma The sun's not sim…
Why Does The Sun Shine The sun is mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear…
Why Does the Sun Shine? (The Sun Is a Mass of Incandescent Gas) The sun is a mass of incandescent gas A gigantic nuclear…
Why Must I Be Sad No more mister nice guy I love the dead I've been thinking…
Wicked Little Critta The pro is here to lead the way, To save the…
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow Now, in the summer of life, sweetheart You say you love…
Window Look at all the people in the window I'm checking out…
With The Dark Like a ghost Writer's ending She will send you down She's…
Withered Hope Very Sad Sack is a sad bag Very, very sad Very Sad…
Women When the ship runs out of ocean And the vessel runs…
Women and Men When the ship runs out of ocean And the vessel runs…
Words Are Like Words are like the middle class A drinking glass, a mask W…
Working Undercover for The Man I've been working hard, trying to sing and play guitar. Grow…
World Before Later On I'm trapped in a world before later on, I'm trapped in…
XTC vs. Adam Ant X-T-C versus Adam Ant Content versus form Fighting for their…
Yeah The Deranged Millionaire He had a name He had an unlikely name Yeah,…
Yeah Yeah on a south sea islandwait actually yeah no in the doctor's…
Yeh Yeh Yo yo yo! Come on come on! Now every evening, when…
You Q you Q you Q you, they're often a pair Make kw sounds…
You Don't Like Me I know what you're thinking I can read your mind…
You don’t like me I know what you're thinking I can read your mind…
You Probably Get That A Lot Do you mind, excuse me I saw you over there Can I…
You'll Miss Me You'll always miss my big old body In its prime and…
You're Not The Boss Of Me Now Yes, no, maybe - I don't know. Can you repeat the question…
You're On Fire Hi, I forgot your name Whatever My point is Hi, your head's …
Youll Miss Me You'll always miss my big old body In its prime and…
Your Mom's Alright Yeah Your mom's alright Your mom's alright Your ass is…
Your Mom's Alright (feat. Mike Doughty) Yeah Your mom's alright Your mom's alright Your ass is gras…
Your Own Worst Enemy It's your own worst enemy Ringing the bell on the door And…
Your Racist Friend This is where the party ends I can't stand here listening…
Youre On Fire Hi, I forgot your name Whatever My point is Hi, your head's …
Youth Culture Killed My Dog Youth culture (youth culture) Youth culture (youth culture) …
You’re on Fire Hi, I forgot your name Whatever My point is Hi, your head…
Zeroes Zeroes! (Zeroes!) Zeroes mean so much Zeroes! (Zeroes!) Z…
[introduction to Kiss Me Son of God] I built a little empire out of some crazy garbage Called…
[introduction to When It Rains It Snows] There's a knock at the door that I adore There's a…
[introduction] Have you ever tried to make a brand new start? It's…
[Untitled] Gloria: What do you think--what do you make out of…
_Ana Ng Make a hole with a gun perpendicular To the name of…

More Versions