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We have lyrics for these tracks by Walter Brown:

Confessin' the Blues Yeah, here I stand before you with my heart in…
Sloppy Drunk I saw you last evening standin' up against a tree I…

We have lyrics for these tracks by His Band:

Blue Turning Grey Over You Gee, how I miss Your tender kiss, And the wonderful things w…

Don't You Think I Love You Sometimes I love you Sometimes I care Sometimes I need you O…
Home Goin' home tomorrow Can't stand your evil ways Goin' home to…
I Want A Girl Got a Girl I got a girl, just as…
Jazz Me Blues I saw you baby dancin' in Your x ray gingham dress I…
Some of These Days Some of these days You'll miss your honey Some of these days…
The Walk When my sugar walks down the street All the little birdies…
You When a star is born They possess a gift or two One…
You Always Hurt The One You Love Sometimes I love you Sometimes I care Sometimes I need you O…

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