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Dirt Off Your Android
Jaydiohead Lyrics
We have lyrics for 'Dirt Off Your Android' by these artists:
Jay-Z Radiohead You're now tuned into the mu'fuckin greatest Turn the music …
The lyrics are frequently found in the comments by searching or by filtering for lyric videos
I didn't know Thom could rap. He's so versatile
Who da F is "Thom"?!?! Oh!!!! Also, what a pretentious way for him to spell his name!!!
I don't see what all the hate is about. This is the best thing I've heard in a while for one reason.... Now I can listen to radiohead at parties without making all the bros mad =)
this is objectively the best album ever created, real talk
so many pissed off radiohead fans here haha we need to face it this is legit
yo i absolutely love radiohead and jay z, this album is amazing. i dont know how anyone couldnt like this
Oh man i love it when the chorus comes in, that is bad-assery!
I like how literally you can mix Jay-Z with literally any band (weezer, coldplay, radiohead, anyother bands thats been mixed with him like this) and it's literally amazing. Just goes to show that Jay-Z does deserve all those platinum albums.
Has a Jet Set Radio Future Feel... Love it.
Damn all these comments are like 3 years old and I just discovered this in Dec 2015 lol. Still dope! Don't know how you can hate on J either. Dude has stay successful and proved he belongs at the top (or at least in discussions of whose does) across multiple decades. Might not be in the conversation today but he has carved his place in history.