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C-Value Enigma
Alkaloid Lyrics
We have lyrics for these tracks by Alkaloid:
A Fool's Desire The slow cerulean tide Sways calmly like a dream An icy veil…
Alpha Aur Adrift between the stars Expelled from Earth And its planet…
Azagthoth To the sweet bone-shattering music Of physics unraveling Bla…
Carbon Phrases Thoughts are slowly moving on Unseen where they‘re coming fr…
Clusterfuck Why should we reach for the sky Why bother at all The…
Cthulhu I remember Before the Watchers came Before Time became a lie…
Dyson Sphere I: Mining the Oort Cloud Meagre pickings in the Kuiper Belt But for the guardian on…
From a Hadron Machinist Call on me - human source to nothingness Blindly see through…
Liquid Anatomy Synethesia In holy matrimony With metaplasia Eyes that form…
Numen Of all the worlds Like space dice hurled Four of us made…
Qliphosis Outside the endless stupor Of life and death of any one…
Recursion Wielders of super radiance A covenant, sublime Descends into…
Shades Of Shub-Niggurath The cornucopia of incarnation Blindly, on and on it blunder…
The Cambrian Explosion Toxic horizons Pestilent holes Mountains rain from the sky …
The Folding Spin into control Tilt the worlds just so Dance between deat…
The Fungi From Yuggoth Here in the vast sunless void On the outer rim of…
The lyrics are frequently found in the comments by searching or by filtering for lyric videos
Still sounds more "natural" than Rings of Saturn xD
Btw, the concept behind this piece is really interesting!!
+Mirko Fustinoni it sounds more natural since it is not written to be cocky, but to see how far it can go
.. Or Dragonforce
this is like brain candy. i feel like if i listen to it too many times i might go blind. then again i just found it yesterday and here i am again.
now this is literally something else!
Now that is innovative!
This song eventually sounds so... Unsettling for some reason
Mid-way through it starts sounding like 'dread' to me, especially around 2:13
It's like if a horror movie was somehow turned into a single song, it's really bizarre, but really interesting too!
It should be illegal to be this good...
+Chris Järvenpää Eyyyyy I just told that to another guy lol
@@Zyborggian And I came from that very comment. Ofc it had to be Alkaloid! I guess it is Morean who plays this song, just like the solo on Velocity?