Łydka Grubasa Lyrics
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Wir kommen dich und deine hektaren mit otwarten ramionen
Pozdrawiamy was czule!
Tu mieszkał Jan Kowalski
A tutaj - Pawlak stary
Lecz Strasburg zdecydował
Że już moje są hektahy!
Tu krowa, a tam świnia
Tu tartak, tam szuwary
Radocha mich ogarnia
Że już moje są hektahy!
Ty ciągle w TVN
Oglądać "Nie do wiary"
Lecz uwierz w końcu stary
Zabiorę dwa hektahy!
Ja straszę w telewizja
I w prasa prężę bary
Lecz prawda jest banalna
Mam w dupie te hektahy!
The lyrics of Łydka Grubasa's song Hektahy showcase a sarcastic and satirical take on the idea of ownership and nationalistic pride. In the first few lines, the singer mocks the notion of "Polaczken" (a derogatory term for Polish people) and their belief in a shared European identity. The lyrics then shift to a story of Jan Kowalski and Pawlak, two common Polish names, who have their land taken away by the French in Strasbourg. This is a nod to historical land disputes between Poland and France. The singer then describes the land and its contents, including cows, pigs, sawmills, and swampy areas, all of which are meant to signify the idea of traditional and rustic rural life in Poland. The chorus returns to the idea of the singer's ownership of these "hektahy" (hectares), which is juxtaposed with the previous story of land being taken away.
In the subsequent verse, the tone becomes more confrontational as the singer addresses a hypothetical person who is constantly watching the TV show "Nie do wiary" (literally "Unbelievable" in Polish). The singer asserts that they will take two hectares of land, implying that the viewer is hypocritical in their beliefs. The final verse, however, takes a more resigned approach. The singer admits that they may talk a big game on TV and in the press, but when it comes down to it, they do not actually care about the land and its ownership.
Overall, the lyrics of Hektahy criticize the idea of nationalistic pride and ownership, suggesting that these concepts are ultimately meaningless and arbitrary. The use of specific names and references to Polish and European history add a layer of satire and irony to the lyrics.
Line by Line Meaning
Jawohl, wir kommen dich Polaczken und unsere Europa
We are coming for you, Poles and the rest of Europe!
Wir kommen dich und deine hektaren mit otwarten ramionen
We are coming for your land with open arms!
Pozdrawiamy was czule!
We greet you warmly!
Tu mieszkał Jan Kowalski
Here lived Jan Kowalski
A tutaj - Pawlak stary
And here - old Pawlak
Lecz Strasburg zdecydował
But Strasbourg has decided
Że już moje są hektahy!
That my hectares are now mine!
Tu krowa, a tam świnia
Here a cow, there a pig
Tu tartak, tam szuwary
Here a sawmill, there marshes
Radocha mich ogarnia
Joy overcomes me
Że już moje są hektahy!
That my hectares are now mine!
Ty ciągle w TVN
You're always watching TVN
Oglądać "Nie do wiary"
Watching "Unbelievable"
Lecz uwierz w końcu stary
But believe me in the end, old man
Zabiorę dwa hektahy!
I'll take two hectares!
Ja straszę w telewizja
I scare people on TV
I w prasa prężę bary
And I flex my muscles in the press
Lecz prawda jest banalna
But the truth is simple
Mam w dupie te hektahy!
I don't give a shit about those hectares!
Contributed by Gabriella P. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
uzależniłam sie i po czasie nawet yczucie cringe-u się zmniejszyło