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Enemy Attack
仲野順也 Lyrics

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Comments from YouTube:


Apologies if I missed any comments or emails while I was away. Feel free to get in touch with me again.


Missed you! Glad you're back!


Welcome back! You and Pontus Hultgren are both some of the best orchestral remix youtubers around. Thanks for everything, especially the Chrono Trigger stuff


Damn man awesome that youre alive, you need to do sephiroths theme some time!


Glad to see you again! Hope you can consider creating Final Fantasy VI "Searching for friends" (World of Ruin theme). Take care and more power


The legend returns to grace us once again with beauty

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Coming back with Final Fantasy is a POWERFUL move I tell you what. Glad you're here again 👌


Malcolm Robinson understand video game music better than any other cover maker on the internet, it's not just the melody, he knows how to convey the feelings of the original but with a remastered instrumentals


He's back with another amazing cover!!!! Awesome job brother!


Thank you!

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