Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence
坂本龍一 Lyrics


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혼자 있고 싶을 때 이 음악을 듣습니다.
제 친구는 은둔형 외톨이입니다.
그 친구와 함께 여생을 보내고 싶은데... 좀처럼 그 친구의 마음을 바꾸기가 쉽지 않네요.

그 친구에게 이 음악의 풍경을 보여주고 싶습니다.
울고 싶을 땐 마음껏 울어라고 이 하얀 눈밭 위에서
그렇게 그 친구도 울고 저도 울고 서로에게 위로가 되고 싶습니다.

류이치 사카모토씨
당신의 음악은 언제나 저에게 위로가 됩니다.

하늘 나라에서 부디 그동안의 아픔을 잊고 행복하시길 바래요.

메리크리스마스 미스터 로렌스


The past few weeks I have been feeling off — the intense anger I have when I was growing up was back sitting on my chest and I could not pinpoint where it was coming from. This song along with On The Nature Of Daylight (Max Richter), S.T.A.Y. (Hans Zimmer) and I Am the Antichrist to You (Nu Deco Ensemble & Kishi Bashi) have been my rotation to soothe my soul.

Last night, while I was listening to my playlist, I came to realize where the anger was coming from — it was because I will be visiting home. And there are realities at home that I have not accepted yet and so the anger was a mask for my agony.

When I go home, I will see the heavy weight my mother has to carry for being a caretaker of my father, a man who never treated her well.

He suffered a stroke years back and became half paralyzed. Since then, my mother has been sacrificing to tend to his needs. Two months ago, his health has worsened. Now, he is bed ridden and is no longer mobile.

I'll be seeing my mother doing 10x more sacrifice. I'll see her tired, barely sleeping.

And I am afraid to look at my mother's pale and scrawny face — and notice the lines, wrinkles and visible stress creeping in. As my cousin told me a week ago that he was not able to recognize my mom because she lost weight and aged a lot (must be from the burden she is carrying).

A moment ago, I was about to pack my things since in 9 hours I'll be hopping on the plane on my way home — but out of nowhere I decided to open Facebook which I only do once in a couple of months (I guess this is my self's resistance to going home) and the first post I saw was about Ryuichi Sakamoto's passing.

I quickly jumped to Google to confirm the heartbreaking news and next thing I know here I am writing this comment.

This is the first time I am leaving such a comment on YouTube, sharing a personal piece of myself to a bunch of strangers on the internet (I know it's messy and all over the place). But why am I doing this? Because this song is close to my heart.

I grew up with a lot of anger hidden inside of me — in fact, I was good at hiding it that nobody could tell that. People would just describe as a someone with a stoic and serious expression.

The first time I heard this song, it helped me come into terms with the anger inside of me — this song helped me welcome it, sit with it and accept it. For the first time in my life I was at peace with the anger inside me.

This song was there by my side when I stared at the walls and the ceiling for hours with the wave of emotions inside of me. This song has accompanied me to many nights where I cried myself to sleep.

This song helped me cried — because I needed to cry. Cry my heart out because of anger, because of anguish, because of grief.

And because I cried my heart out, the load inside my chest lessened. This song did not only helped me lament the realities of life. But this song helped me carry on and move forward.

This song is forever etched in my soul. Thank you Mr. Sakamoto for your music. It lives on with me.

11/13/2023: To anyone who took the time to read this long post, I left a comment below and shared something I learned. I hope it will be worth your time and attention. // I

All comments from YouTube:


I got known Ryuichi Sakamoto was dead just a few minutes ago. It is very sad, but his works have been impressing many people and he will influence a lot of future artists. What we can do is remembering his name and music to tell future generations how he is great. From Japan. R.I.P. Your music will live in our hearts forever.


I'm from Canada, and I'm blessed to have heard this man's voice speak to me through his music.


Wordless prayer from Finland.


I did the exact same thing, rip x


RIP Maestro Sakamoto. From Belgium, and for sure all over the world.


💔 from France
I'm so sad right now like I've lost someone very close to me.
Thank you Ryuichisan for your wonderful music and for your presence

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RIP Ryuichi Sakamoto. This is one of the songs that introduced me to his work and ever since I had been a big fan. It's a shame he's gone but his music is timeless.


He will live on forever in our memories


@@bsame for sure


300+ likes from this comment. 300+ people have come to hear his music after his passing within the hour. Astonishing. He surely will not be forgotten.

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