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Memories of a Sacred Sword
若井淑 Lyrics

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can i just say how much i appreciate zelda here? everyone always acts like this is just another classic ‘princess zelda, helpless damsel in distress, gets kidnapped and you have to rescue her’ type of situation, but that’s not it at all. zelda chose to go back to hyrule castle, alone, and hold back calamity ganon all on her own. she could have run away and hid, and let ganon destroy the world. but she knew what she had to do. zelda was the only one left who could possibly do anything to hold back ganon. she’s not just a damsel in distress in this game. she’s a hero, who’s actively putting in the effort to save the world the entire time you’re playing. yes, she needs your help because she can’t hold ganon back forever all alone, but she’s still pretty freaking powerful.

Diana Lo Giudice

All that time I spent trying to find a boar on the great plateau

Michael Bloomer

Honestly when I saw her with pants and not a dress I assumed you’d get to play her FINALLY. Hopefully botw at least gives you some pant wearing Zelda sections

Talking Doge

A little preachy... But yeah...


Wait... Someone says that she is the classic princess? They even played the game?
I don't understand


@Jade pelt "I'm a damsel. I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day."

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Those tiny little Fi-Theme-Notes are killing me... I always loved Fi...


@Its Blitzø around 0:14 there’s some notes from Fi‘s Theme.
And as she is the Master Swords Soul it fits so perfectly.


FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE NOTICES IT goddamn i thought i was going insane!!! i loved her so much!!!

Kodered59 [Original]


Game Grumps: SCREW YOU FI.

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