Doa Dan Harapan
A Halim Lyrics
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Kini aku pergi
Janganlah kau berduka
Dan merasa hampa
Untuk mu dinda
Ku tunaikan kewajipan
Agar cinta kita mulia
Kala ku bersepi
Mengingat mu dinda
Terbayang selalu
Wajah mu oh dinda
Agar aku sentiasa
Tetapi akan gembira
Kelak kan berjumpa
Kala ku bersepi
Mengingat mu dinda
Terbayang selalu
Wajah mu oh dinda
Agar aku sentiasa
Tetapi akan gembira
Kelak kan berjumpa
The lyrics to A Halim's song "Doa Dan Harapan" express the theme of separation between two lovers. The singer, who is referred to as "Kekasih" or beloved, tells his partner not to grieve and feel empty when he leaves. He promises to fulfill his duty (presumably to God) for the sake of their love and hopes it will last forever. The singer then talks about how he thinks of his "Dinda" or sweetheart in moments of solitude, imagining her face in his mind. He asks her to pray for him so that he may always be happy and they can meet again in the future.
The song captures the bittersweet emotions of love and separation as well as the importance of fulfilling obligations and maintaining faith. The lyrics suggest that although the two are physically apart, their love for each other will remain constant and unyielding. Additionally, the use of the word "Doa" or prayer in the title emphasizes the spiritual element of the song, implying that the singer seeks guidance and support from a higher power.
Line by Line Meaning
Addressing the loved one
Kini aku pergi
Now I am leaving
Janganlah kau berduka
Please don't be sad
Dan merasa hampa
And feel empty
Untuk mu dinda
For you, my dear
Ku tunaikan kewajipan
I fulfill my duty
Agar cinta kita mulia
So our love is noble
Kekal selamanya
Lasting forever
Kala ku bersepi
When I'm alone
Mengingat mu dinda
Thinking of you, my dear
Terbayang selalu
Always imagined
Wajah mu oh dinda
Your face, oh my dear
Agar aku sentiasa
So that I always
Tetapi akan gembira
But will be happy
Kelak kan berjumpa
Will meet again someday
Kala ku bersepi
When I'm alone
Mengingat mu dinda
Thinking of you, my dear
Terbayang selalu
Always imagined
Wajah mu oh dinda
Your face, oh my dear
Agar aku sentiasa
So that I always
Tetapi akan gembira
But will be happy
Kelak kan berjumpa
Will meet again someday
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
Rindu zaman sek rendah bersama arwah Cikgu Salehuddin di Sek Keb Seri Banang Bt Pahat yanyi koir sek. Semoga rohnya bersama-sama para solihin...Aaminn
kalau ingat lagu ini....puluhan thn lalu doa dan harapan tercuarah buat teman terbaik smga sukses selalu...
Ya Allah ....bang A Halim.... lagumu selalu dalam hatiku...Doaku dan harapanku moga selalu kesampaian...
lagu A.Halim ni sama zaman dulu² tak berubah seinci pon..syabas💝🌹👍
Suara bagus,muzik bagus,puas hati😊😊😊😊
penyanyi bersuara emas ...
terus didengari dan dihayati lagu lagunya walau sudah sekian lamanya
Sedap .. tidak tahu apa nak cakap.. lagu zaman saya
Aku cukup suka lagu doa dan harapan dendangan a halim
senang sekali bila mendengar lagu ini...muziknya bersahaja tapi menarik ...
wow kerEEEnnn....bang Halim... jowo selatpannjang...